Can anyone help me?



The thread about heart pain got me thinking about an issue I have had ever since I was little.

Occassionally, I will get avery sharp pain (kind of like a stitch) on my left side where my heart is. I cna't breathe in deeply and it can sometimes take up to 2 or 3 mins for the feeling to go away. There is no dizzyness or anything like that, but I was wondering if anyone here knew what it might be. I have asked doctors, but no one has had a clue and they just pretty much ignore it. A friend of mine had the same or similar issue and she was told it was the tissue around the heart???? I dont' get it.

Anyway, if anyone has any info or could point me in the right direction to get some, that would be great. Thank you.
I've asked at least 2 drs, perhaps 3.
They never said to ignore it, but they pretty much said, "I don't know what it is" and left it at that.So no, no testing has ever been done.
Then, (not to be dissing your doctors, but) go to a REAL heart surgeon or specialist. I am in the medical field (insurance, I am not licensed in anything) but I DO know that there are MANY crooked doctors out there, so be careful. If you continue to have this problem, I would try to find out who is the best "heart doctor" in your city and go to him/her.
I get pains like that when I run for a long time. I'm def. not built for running either. I used to get it even as kid during soccer games. for me its more along the side of the rib cage, and sometimes its on the left side, sometimes on the right.

i never really worried cuz I assumed it was just connective tissue in the ribs getting worked too hard from all my labored breathing.

is that anything like what you're feeling?
Yeah, no that sounds like a stitch I would get while running.

I get this pain from doing nothing at all. In fact, I have gotten it just lying down. I used to get it frequently, but not so much anymore. There was a long period of time (years) when I never got them. All of a sudden it's acting up again.
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I get pains like that when I run for a long time. I'm def. not built for running either. I used to get it even as kid during soccer games. for me its more along the side of the rib cage, and sometimes its on the left side, sometimes on the right.

i never really worried cuz I assumed it was just connective tissue in the ribs getting worked too hard from all my labored breathing.

is that anything like what you're feeling?

i got same thing when i run (sprint) for 15 or 20 min,but while i`m walking after running, i felt pretty much good.
i never worried about that
Yeah, no that sounds like a stitch I would get while running.

I get this pain from doing nothing at all. In fact, I have gotten it just lying down. I used to get it frequently, but not so much anymore. There was a long period of time (years) when I never got them. All of a sudden it's acting up again.

Does it feel like someone has quickly jabbed a 3ft needle up in to your rib cage?
Does the pain last for a couple of seconds, shooting from your lower rib cage
on the front left side up to your heart?
Occassionally, I will get avery sharp pain (kind of like a stitch) on my left side where my heart is. I cna't breathe in deeply and it can sometimes take up to 2 or 3 mins for the feeling to go away. There is no dizzyness or anything like that
wow...the exact same thing used to happen to me a few years ago. I really didn't know what it was and I just ignored it, didn't tell anyone and it kinda went away. I still get some weird feelings in my heart every few weeks or so, not like a sharp pain, but a slight pain that just feels weird for about 30 seconds to a minute. But I can definitaley feel it. I haven't asked any doctors about it, I haven't really had a major problem with it either.
Does it feel like someone has quickly jabbed a 3ft needle up in to your rib cage?
Does the pain last for a couple of seconds, shooting from your lower rib cage
on the front left side up to your heart?

It's hard to explain. It's just below my left breast and it's located in my ribcage/heart area. I know your heart isn't up near ur shoulder, like most people think, so that's why I say the heart. The pain is sharp and most of the time, when I do inhale deeply there is a pop or some other kind of feeling and then the pain goes away. That only happens when I haven't been able to take in a full breath for a few mins and I just suck it up, brace for the pain, and inhale.
You shoud keep a log of when it happens.
write the feeling, time of day, if you have been eatting or exercises, etc...

You may find a pattern
LOL OMG I totally did nothing! LOL How are you doing?? U doing ok? Don't mess around....if it's making u anxious, tell ur dr - esp in ur condition!!!!
That's a normal, harmless thing, if it's the same sensation I'm thinking of, which I'm pretty sure it is.

I found this information:
an excerpt:
"While doctors aren’t sure of the actual causes, they are sure that it poses no danger. They believe it to be a completely benign condition and is most certainly not cause for alarm. For this reason, there is not a lot of information or studies regarding the physical cause of PCS available. Doctors feel no need to intensify study of something they know to be only a “minor inconvenience”.

It sounds similar to what I experienced, and it's interesting that it says it happens most often in children and teenagers because I remember it being much more common when I was a kid. The only thing is I don't feel any "bubble popping" sensation before the pain goes away, not that I can remember anyway.
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:eek: OMG! That's it!!! That is totally it!!!! Thank you so much! FINALLY! I know what it is! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! :)
You're welcome! I just noticed that the link wasn't working, I fixed it. But I take it you were probably able to search the term and get some info yourself? Glad to be of help! :)
I was able to find just that article. Thank you thank you thank you! :)
Flossing reduces the risk of heart disease.
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