Can anyone help me please

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New member
I'm 6'3 285 pounds I dont have anything to lose weight, I cant go to the gym. My parents are always telling me to lose weight but they keep buying junk food all the time. The only thing I have is one 8 pound weight. And I am 13.
Rat, I have posted in your other thread.
1.have a spicific diet plan from a dietitian.
2.have a spcific training plan for weight loss (from an experienced gym/sport instructor).
3.follow thos plans like a robot
about parents: explain them that if they want you to lose weight they HAVE to support you, including no junk food in house. (make your gym instructor and dietitian explain it to them if they don't understand or don't listin)

Good Luck.
Hi, go to a good nutritionist. He will suggest you a proper diet for you. Maintain your diet properly, do some basic work out and walk a lot. Drink lots of water and sleep at least 8 hours per night. I think you will see the difference very soon.
My cousin is a body builder and drinks protein shakes as well as measures his food so he doesn't overeat but he also takes dietary supplements to help him. I know a lot of people don't like pills but has anyone tried one and had any success?
Show this video to your parents. Tell them you don't want to become like him.

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