Can anyone help me please?


New member
Hiya my name is Abi,
I am new to the forum and have joined for the obvious that i wish to lose weight!
I was on a high protein diet, my frame was getting smaller but the scale was near enough staying at 189lbs, it did go down to 186lbs at 1 point and up to 191lbs at another.
Recently I have got bored! I was walking to work every morning, at 6:45am for just over an hour and then back from work and i just don't feel like i was loosing enough weight and the weight i did loose just wasn't coming off fast enough.
Eating better and drinking 8 pints of water a day made me feel much better in myself and much more active but all that exercise, eating well and getting nowhere is a bit much!
I need some help before i give up completely anyone?
Time takes time . . .


I am new here and from what I've read may get into trouble unless folks take the time to check me out.

That being said, I understand your angst. I'm a recovering alcoholic, recovering nicotine addict (nearly seven years without a drink or smoke). Five years ago I lost seventy pounds and kept it off. Nothing magical in that -- reduced calories, began eating the good stuff and avoiding the bad stuff, and exercising daily. I had a little more motivation than you seem to have -- diagnosed heart disease.

Now, here's the dangerous part from what I've read here. I did a website to share my story in case folks need inspiration or suggestions of what worked for me. Nothing for sale there. Absolutely nothing. No adsense or anything else. Just a high school counselor trying to help. SPAM REMOVED

Read the part on want-to vs. willingness under Tools. From your post, it sounds like you have the want-to, but are having problems with the willingness.

- Ed
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It's entirely possible that you don't need to lose weight. If you are working out and your body shape is changing, then that might be all you need.

Hard to say w/out any more information ... things like how tall are you? are you male or female? what do you eat on a normal basis? etc.