Calve and Shin pain

G'day Guys,

I have just started taking up running again but I have a bit of an issue.

As soon as I start to jog, from fast walking, within 2-4 minutes my Shins start to hurt, on both legs.

Withing 4-6 minutes my calves and shins are both hurting.

The type of pain is not a burning sensation but more of a 'growing pain' sensation times 10.

The pain is located on both legs and starts just below the knee and ends at the start of the achilies tendon (or top of my foot). You could say that the bottom half of my leg from the bottom of my knee to my foot has this aching sensation.

Everything else on my body is fine, doesnt hurt or anything like that (ie quads and hams + joints). The aching pain starts at the same time in both legs and finishes at the same time, usually a good 45mins after I have stopped putting any sort of weight on my legs followed by half a day of slight pain.

Now, I can walk long distences at a fast pace without any hassles but as soon as I amp it up a little, I get the pain.

To make matters worse, I need to be able to run 3.2kms in 11 minutes in 5 weeks time, which cardio speaking I am able to do quite easy but the pain from my lower legs stops me after 900meters as its to painful to continue. I usually end up with jelly legs and rock hard calve muscles all the way home which can also stop me from moving.

Do you suggest I continue running, pushing through the pain day by day to get to my goal over the next 5 weeks or, should I see someone about it.

Not being able to do the 3.2kms in 11minutes is not an option, I do have to do it.

Any help would be super.



PS: Sorry for the essay.

Some stats if it helps: 12%BF, 94kg (206lbs), 6ft 1in" quite active but I do office work but I get around and walk as much as possible
This is a very common problem for most people. The problem usually occurs from tight muscles and bad postural distortions. My first recommendation is foam roller releases. Here is some instructions for various muscle groups.

Also before you run make sure to do a really focus stretching session and then a walk warm up for about 5 mins. Trust me you will see a huge difference in your performance.
My top 10 things for pain while running...

#1 shoes... if you don't have good shoes get some... go to a store that caters to runners...

#2 I have found that I don't get good results from "static" stretching... in fact I have found it to be the culprit in my occasional groin pull problems...

check this out...

I also did/do some excersizes just for those areas which have been problematic for me...

stand with back against wall... feet flat on floor but about a 8-12 inches from the wall... then raise your toes off the floor... this should help warm up the shins...

#3 shoes...

#4 Shoes...

#5 Good Shoes

... # 10 Good shoes

That being said... your shins shouldn't be hurting you like that... you might be doing an excessive heel strike... or are you starting your runs going down hill? try to start out flat...
Ill give that foam a try. For the record, I do stretch for a good 8 minutes followed by 5 mins of walking before I take off. But, in saying that, I have noticed that I hurt more after I stretch... Weird.

As for the shoes, I have a pair that were fitted by one of our sporting stores, as far as im aware they are good shoes - some $160AUD and apparently (according to their computer) they are the best for me.

Thankyou for your feedback guys, I really appreciate it!

That one is down on the list of things to try.

In regards to the 'beep test' is it harder to run 2.5kms doing the beep test or harder running 2.5kms on a flat footpath, in 11minutes with no terrain?
For the record, I do stretch for a good 8 minutes followed by 5 mins of walking before I take off. But, in saying that, I have noticed that I hurt more after I stretch... Weird.
There is some debate about whether stretching cold muscles is really such a good idea after all. (Think of stretching cold gum -- it snaps.) Many people do their stretching only after their runs and maybe that's something you could try. Just a thought.

I get shin splints and tight calves after a run quite often and find a good stretching session really helps a lot. Especially if followed by a nice hot bath or shower. :)