Sport Calories a day?

Sport Fitness
Hi, I was wondering how much calories a day is good to lose weight... yet strenghen my core... and build muscle. i know protein but i weigh 215. i want to get down to about 185-190 but have low body % fat. if i had to guess right now id say i have about 18 % body fat. i run about 6 miles to 12 miles a day depending on how sore i am from the previous day. What is a good diet plan. I have unlimted time to workout. Any suggestions?
thank you , jerry
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Check it.
Hmm it says my BMI is 30 i dont really know what this means... well hmm ok so lol can anyone tell me basically what i should do.. how many calories a day should i eat to go from 215 down to 185 in about a month to 3 months. depending on if im gaining muscle or not but a avg. of 30 lbs of fat a month ethier lost or transfered into muscle. i run about 1 to 2 hours a day 6 Mph is about my pace. sometimes i also swim. is swimming really benifcal? i read somewhere that your body temp dosnt take into effect as runnig would. ethier way i only swim about 20 laps about 400 yards. i get cramps in triceps. my idea is to take multiviatiams GNC ultra gold in the morning along with something light. something with fiber. nothing above 200 calories. iv tryed the diet where u eat 6 times dailey and it didnt work. my metobliusm dosnt speed at that much. i know ur suspose to eat small meals... i only wana consume a max of 1500 calories if thats not to min. then i would like to consume less. id rather have 3 meals a day at most. is that bad? dinner which is probably the most calories im thining would be around 6-800 and if i had to eat 6 meals a day could a bowl of lettuce with a little vingera? or a light dash of olive oil be good? If anyone could offer some reallllly good eating habits it would be greatly apperciated. like examples of what kind of food and what u guys eat. i admire all of you with great bodys and dedication to making them great.
jerry911227 said:
i run about 1 to 2 hours a day 6 Mph is about my pace. sometimes i also swim. is swimming really benifcal? i read somewhere that your body temp dosnt take into effect as runnig would. ethier way i only swim about 20 laps about 400 yards

You're running way to much. Cut that crap down to like 3 days a week and start doing some weight training. The muscle you build will burn more calories throughout the day. Swimming is a great cardio exercise, as long as you're not just treading water or jumping off the diving board for an hour.

my idea is to take multiviatiams GNC ultra gold in the morning along with something light. something with fiber.

Can't go wrong with a good multivitamin. The most important, in my opinion, supplement you can take.

iv tryed the diet where u eat 6 times dailey and it didnt work. my metobliusm dosnt speed at that much. i know ur suspose to eat small meals... i only wana consume a max of 1500 calories if thats not to min. then i would like to consume less. id rather have 3 meals a day at most. is that bad?

Why didnt it work? You gave up. Its a big change from the tradition of eating. You dont eat six regular meals in a day. You eat six smaller ones, keep your body feeling full, and your metabolism burning.

dinner which is probably the most calories im thining would be around 6-800 and if i had to eat 6 meals a day could a bowl of lettuce with a little vingera? or a light dash of olive oil be good? If anyone could offer some reallllly good eating habits

Fruits and vegetables are great "meals". Things that can be carried with you to school like apples, pears, peaches are great snacks. Eat lean meats, turkey, fish only. Kraft Fat Free 1000 Island dressing can be used also, rated the healthiest TI in a test by Mens Health mag. Do some searches on here for workout programs and diets. I have heard good reviews about the Bill Starr 5x5. Your on the right track.
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So say for instance they tell you that you should take in 3500 cals/day.

From what I've read here, it is thought you should take in about 500 less than your recommended intake....leaving me at 3000.

Question; is the 3000 an absolute? What if I take in only 2500 or 2000? Isn't that better than taking in 3000? Does fewest amount of calories possible = better? (Within reason of course.) Or is there something "magical" about this 500 less than recommended number?
Thatnk you very much for that info :) so running 3 times weekly is enough? should i leave cardio days to only cardio? or mix it up with like lets say like a biceps, triceps, chest? Yes i did kinda give up on it i tryed it for 3 weeks and it was diffcult at the time to have 6 meals a day so i used those shakes for about 3 meals to replace. "Body For Life"thats the book i read about it. anyways thanks a million for the advice :-D im looking forward to start up again on this and have fun with it.
Herzog said:
Question; is the 3000 an absolute? What if I take in only 2500 or 2000? Isn't that better than taking in 3000? Does fewest amount of calories possible = better? (Within reason of course.) Or is there something "magical" about this 500 less than recommended number?

No its not an absolute, obviously the less you intake and the more activity you do, the more you burn. But you dont wanna overdue it by trying to take in something 1000 cal a day. You wanna get get your calories from clean foods(fruits,vegetables, lean meats). Make sure you watch your portions.
tonymcclellan said:
No its not an absolute, obviously the less you intake and the more activity you do, the more you burn. But you dont wanna overdue it by trying to take in something 1000 cal a day. You wanna get get your calories from clean foods(fruits,vegetables, lean meats). Make sure you watch your portions.
Ok, thanks. I've been shooting for under 1800 or so on my intake and have drastically cut down on my portions. Seems to be working so far! :cool:
hey tony, first off congrats on having a son soon thats awesome... and also what would you recommend for me for eating calroies? people iv asked said 1200 some have said 2500 and all in between il be working out 6 dayds a week 3 days will be cardio which il be running 11 miles. i weigh 215 lbs im 5'1'' i think im around 18 % BF.