Sport Calories: 0 Carb: 2 ...?

Sport Fitness
I bought these mints today, I looked at them and it said "0 calories" so I got em. After I bought them I looked at it again, farther down the nutrition facts it says "Total carb: 2g (1% DV).
Does this mean it's negative calories and takes that % of carbs to actually dgest. Or is it that it's not enough carbs to actually register as 1 calories so they just put 0 on the box. I think it's like 4 g of carbs = 1 calorie. So 1 mint would = actually not 0 but 0.5 claories. Right?
no such thing as negative calories. My guess is that htey used sugar alcohols to sweeten the mint and that's the source of 2g of carbs. HOwever since the body cannot use sugar alcohols, it's a net of 0 calories. I can't recall if sugar alcohols have an effect on insulin, but at 2g it shouldn't matter either way.

You have your math backwards too: 1g of carbs = 4 calories 1g of protein= 4 calories 1g of fat = 9 calories
I see.
But wait, no such thing as negative calories? What about apples and stuff, do not they take more calories to digest then they are worth?
Wouldn't create a 'negative calorie' though. I guess if I ran on a treadmill while eating a sandwich you wouldnt say the sandwich doesnt have calories. ;)
the closest food to being a 'negative calorie food' is celery. Tons of water and fiber content, not much in the way of calories. Still it doesn't take more to digest than what it contains...but I don't think anyone's ever gotten fat eating celery ;)