Weight-Loss Calorie values of tinned foods



New member
I have come across an interesting problem.

At the weightlossresources.co.uk website, it says that 100 grams of garden peas have 74 calories.

A supermarket brand tin of boiled garden peas in water says on the label that 100 grams of the drained boiled garden peas have 41 calories.

Can anyone please explain the vast difference in values ?

I am concerned about this because I am assuming the calorie value that I see on the labels of many other tins of food as accurate information.

Thank you.
it could be that when the peas are boiled, they absorb some of the water making them weigh more, so they have less calories per weight. Maybe the information on the website is for raw peas? Just go by the label and leave the calories counter for things your not too sure about
You are almost certainly right BigMofo.

Dried Peas and other pulses ABSORB lots of water when you soak or cook them.

Mystery solved. Thank you very much.