Sport Calorie question

Sport Fitness
Ok so here's the thing I take in 2200 calories a day. What I'm trying to do is lose fat. I only take in 2200 calories on days when I exercise I'm pretty lean already and I'm already starting to see my abs and am getting a little bit vascular. I'm keeping cheat days to a minimum now and only do it wisely and not often. On days when I rest I was wondering if I should be taking in the same amount of calories or less. If I do have to take in less how much less?
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I'm 5'9 I weigh around 165ish and I do Cardio in the morning before breakfast and either do cardio a second time during the day or weight train I only take one day of the week off
If anyone and I do mean anyone has any suggestions of what I should do please tell me because I have been doing some reasearch and so far have found nothing
I didnt get an answer to the question I just asked

I still need a proper answer to the question I asked in the previous thread I made called "calorie question" what I basically need to know is that should my caloric intake be the same everyday even on days I dont exercise or what?
It depends on how detailed you want to be. I basically average it out for the week and eat the same every day. Some people actually base each day's caloric intake on what they do on that particular day. Maybe you should give a shoutout to Chillen, I believe he does this.
Yeah depends on the goals, but if you increase on days you lifting because those days you are burning more calories. So If you want to gain keep them high, but I honestly don't think altering the calories each and every day will really have a big impact... Just keep them about the same and make sure you and eating what you want to.
I'm with Gooch. That's way too detailed for me. Your body doesn't stop at midnight and start over, so going with a broader average should work fine.

That said, Chillen really has this stuff down to a science. If you're up to it, go read his Weight Loss Intricate.
ok so I normally take in 2200 calories so should I take in 2000 on a rest day where I'm doing no exercise or walking etc?
what is your goal? bulkign up? leaning out? maintaining?

*threads need to keep posting the same thing*
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I'm trying to lose fat