Weight-Loss Calorie question

whats jacket potatoe??? i'm guessing its fully loaded??
Sorry i forget this isn't in england hehe. its a baked potatoe, is that what you call it?
Like a potatoe cooked in the oven.
if you google calorie counter, you can find a lot of free sites that you can use calculate calories of meals, food items, etc.

I would suggest using one of those :)
Its says about 245 :O thats alot! i had it with spaghetti aswell oh dear lol looking at about 500 calories there!!
hey! you might want to try sweet potatos! they're a great replacement for regular potatos! And i actually think they're more flavorful! :)

Also remember that changing your diet will take time- but it's important! You should try to have lean protein, veggies, and a good carb with every meal! Also, portion size is important too!

Have you been keeping track of what you eat and how much? I have been doing that, and I found that what I thought was healthy, really had a lot of calories (I use to eat a baked potato too, thinking it was uber low in calories! It's scary eh?!)

you might want to think of keep a food diary, and tracking the calories :)
hey! you might want to try sweet potatos! they're a great replacement for regular potatos! And i actually think they're more flavorful!

I think you need to grow up with sweet potato's, personally I just cant eat them. I doubt they're easily found in the West Midlands anyway.

If you've a larger spud, just eat half with grilled chicken and peas or beans. People really tend to over-react when it comed to a potato. Even a big one is OK so long as you don't cover it in butter and cheese. You can easily double the calorie count of a jacket potato by doing that.
I think you need to grow up with sweet potato's, personally I just cant eat them. I doubt they're easily found in the West Midlands anyway.

If you've a larger spud, just eat half with grilled chicken and peas or beans. People really tend to over-react when it comed to a potato. Even a big one is OK so long as you don't cover it in butter and cheese. You can easily double the calorie count of a jacket potato by doing that.

I don't know about that! I didn't grow up with them at all! In fact, I never even touched them until a few years ago! And there's no harm in trying!
I think another thing to keep in mind when eating potatoes is that they are considered a starch, not a veggie in terms of a balanced meal. Often, people will consider them a veggie, then have another starch, like pasta, rice, bread, etc. in the same meal.

If you think in terms of a plate at a 'normal' meal, it should look like this:

1/2 veggies (at least 2 kinds)
1/4 protein
1/4 starch

Potatoes are fine, just try to avoid having 'double starches' at one meal. And as someone already said, watch what you put on top of the potato :)
Thanks for all the replies :hurray:

I have tried sweet potatoe but am not a massive fan if i am honest :ack2:
I can have a small amount but gets a bit sickly hehe, i keep track of everything i eat, if im honest im getting a bit obsessed.

I'll stick to having a small potatoe from now on, i'll class today as a cheat day i suppose :rotflmao:

Thanks again guys
< not a fan of yams.....