Sport Calorie macros

Sport Fitness
Hi all,

I'm in the middle of a cut at the minute(check out my journal for the specifics) and according to most calorie counters, I require about 2700 a day, so I've been tracking it on FitDay and I'm running at about 2400 a day, the only problem is my macro break down looks, well not how I would want it to look, or at least I dont think its how it should look, carbs/protein/fat(and I definately wouldnt nessesarily say its coming from good fat either) in percentages are 55/21/24. I've tried upping the protein (take 2 shakes a day, phd Pharma Whey) and tryied to cut out the cr@p (I like my crisps(potato chips) a bit too much).

What should I be aiming for macro breakdown wise!? I know I'm not going to see results over night but I want to nip this in the bud now!

Not sure what I should do also about a mini-marathon(21km) I'm starting training for, I want to keep teh 3 FBW's a week but I also want to get out running at least twice. would Monday, Wed, Fri FBW's and Tuesday, Sunday running be ok or a little over(or al ittle under)?
I wouldn't necessarily go by percentages for protein and carbs. How much do you weigh and how much protein do you get?

I have an unusually high metabolism and my percentages look about like yours, but I currently eat 4000 cals per day so protein in the low 20's% range is still actually a lot more than I really need.
True LOL, sometimes I get like 260 grams of protein and I weigh a little under 190...but I need to drink up the milk to get my calories

I lost half a pound this week on 4000 cals/day I'm weird, what can I say:D
I usually get about 130g of protein during the day, only this week when tracking fitday did I realise that I definately needed more(from these boards I hear about the 1.3 per pound) so I'm going to up that this week.

What should the macros look like? just as a general guide?
If you are serious about cutting, your carb choices should come from veggies, fruits, oats, rice...etc, not from chips. I mean, who doesn't like chips? I love them, but I know it's not feasible to get results if I eat them...

Focus on that before macro percentages...IMO of course.
I also think your fat intake is a little low. 25% is as low as you wanna go. on a cut, when carbs are generally being closely monitored and restricted, you need to replace calories somehow.

healthy fats are perfect. fish oil in particular. eat some salmon...helps with protein intake and fats.
taking a cue from Dr. Berardi, I've started making my morning eggs using a couple of Omega Eggs, and then getting the additional whites from regular eggs or a carton of egg whites. omega eggs come from chickens that are fed food rich in omega 3 fatty acids...the good fats you'd find in salmon.

also, don't be afraid to eat steak. nothing wrong with lean beef...its the hamburger, especially 80/20 that's high in saturated fat.

On a cut, you may end up eating close to 2g of protein per pound of body weight just to keep your calories up.
I think if you watch those carbs per the other suggestions, and increase protein a ways and fat just a little, then split your caloric deficit between diet and some cardio, you'll see some good fat loss, without risking muscle loss.
the other key to holding on to muscle during a serious cut, is lifting heavy. you need that stress to tell the body "keep this muscle, I still need it". and your protein intake will give you the building blocks you need to keep it as long as that stress is there and you get enough sleep/recovery.