Weight-Loss Calorie Intake and proportions



New member
My body is currently like this!

....i'm currently trying to break through the belly fat at the moment to see some abs! i'm getting absolutley no-where and i know its because of my food in take......also my sides are really annoying me!

I hit up running for 30 minutes solid at a very decent pace 2 nights a week, a 45 minute swim session a week....i swim maybe 2-3 lengths at an intense pace (just started swimming!) with frequest breaks :).

Anyways! i'm about 154-lbs / 11 stone / just under 70kg and about 5ft 7" if that makes a difference. I hit maybe around 1700-2000 cals a day (probably bad!) but i dont really proportion carbs / protein properly... in take is usually

5-6 coffees a day (lol probably need to get rid of that!)
no breakfast :)-()
dinner: tuna or chicken sandwhich on brown bread with a soft drink
tea: fish/chicken in breadcrumbs with steamed vegetables
maybe a chocolate bar at some point in the afternoon

Is there anything i could do food wise to cut the fat in take down or should it be suitable for what i want to achieve? (which is less flabbier sides/stomach to get those abs out!)
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That doesn't really look like 1700-2000 calories per day unless you're leaving quite a bit out.

My best advice would be to register for a free account with either FitDay - Free Weight Loss and Diet Journal or Calorie Counter, Diet Tracking, Food Journal, Nutrition Facts at The Daily Plate and start logging your food. Even if you only do it for a week or two, it will help you to see what you're eating and how your nutrients are divided up.

Also, honestly, looking at your photo, I see some defined abs there, so it seems that you might just be seeing your body differently than it really is (which is common).

I'd suggest checking out this thread: http://weight-loss.fitness.com/weig...ise/32836-conceptual-side-weight-lifting.html

Adding some weight lifting to your routine might help you get the further definition you want. I don't really see that you need to lose more weight as much as you might need to build some muscle.
Thanks for the quick response, i really appreciate it. Its more from a side on view i suppose.....its just a mild bit of blubber that seems to stick out that i cant get rid of. Maybe i do just see it differently than others because i dont want to see it.

Your certainly right, i think i do need to start logging it properly and thanks for the link to the other thread :)