Sport Caloric Intake (Very Active)

Sport Fitness
Ok so I'm looking for some advice as to my caloric intake... I'm trying to shave off about 10 pounds of fat right now, however I'm not sure as to how many calories I should be eating.

I work a physical job (landscaping and concrete work) and I also lift 3 days a week, run 3 days a week, and do yoga on my rest day.

According to I'm at the highest activity level [Daily exercise+physical job] and being 5'10 18y/o male at 176 it says my maintenance is 3470 calories! Maybe it's just me but I think that is a little steep. I know it's just an online calculator but even if it's in the ballpark thats still very high.

Here is a typical day of food for me: (copy/paste from cutting journal)

Breakfast: 1/2cup Oatmeal w/ 1tbsp Brown Sugar with either 1/2 cup Almonds/Pecans or 2 scrambled eggs w/ ketchup

Snack: 1 Fruit + Can of Tuna//Salmon

Lunch: Sandwichs of some kind featuring meat of some kind + 200g low fat Yogurt

Sometime During The Day: Protein Bar and a 1/4 cup more of nuts, also usually a small bag of raw veggies (carrots, peas, cucumber, pepper)

Dinner: Lean Meat + Starchy Carb + Fibrous Carb for the most part

Evening Snack: whatever I feel like, triscuit nachos with salsa or tuna+mayo on crackers or whatever... a fruit or some veggies, really whatever I feel like\

I'm not sure if this is enough calories, or if it's about right and that calculator is way off. I run sometime for 1+hours doing both HIIT followed by SS in that time. The estimated calorie thing on my treadmill usually says over 700 cals by the time I'm done.

To give you an idea of what I do at work:
Typically when I get to work I'm immediately loading up several bags of concrete powder weighing in at 88pounds each. (lifting, hauling, then lifting about shoulder level to load in) then maybe some shoveling, loading up some other equip. Get to the site, unload stuff, operate a cutter machine that takes some muscle, usually breaking a sweat, then loading up sod, squat lifting barrows full of dirt and clay into a truck, and other such physical activity. I'm on my feet or knees all day moving stuff, lifting stuff, hauling wheelbarrows, and/or finishing concrete. So I'm guessing I'm burning a crap load more calories than someone in a cubicle.

Now considering all this, especially my activity level, does 3400 calories seem steep? or about right? Just looking for some advice, and wondering if I'm eating enough food to keep my metabolism roaring:SaiyanSmilie_anim: