Sport Caloric Intake for Cutting

Sport Fitness
I was on a clean bulking diet, in which I didnt eat massive amounts of food, or intake 4,000 calories or such, but I did grow 1/2 inch - 1 inch. I've decided to cut down to get some definition on my muscles, then perhaps bulk again... But my question is, how many calories should I be taking in a day? I was taking around 3000 calories, but not reaching 4,000. I was reading an article and it said that to get ur cutting caloric intake u have to multiply ur bodyweight by 12. Is this correct? Im weighing around 185 pounds. So my caloric intake would be: 2,220??? Im 5'9, 17 years old. Been weight training for 2 months straight... "bulking". Could someone please help me out with settling the caloric intake I need for cutting?
Just take off 500-800cal from your previose diet. Once your body adjusts to that intake take off another 500-800cal. Dont go below 2000cal.