Sport Caffine

Sport Fitness
My instructors and peers have made me deathly afraid of caffine. They say it eats up your muscle and is just all around bad for you. I know some of what they say is true, but I want to try a pre-workout product though I looked at the ingridents and it said CAFFINE. Should I really be this afraid? My diet calls for only healthy foods no exceptions what so ever during winter when im in season.
Caffine eats muslce? Never heard that before. Sounds like crazy talk to me.
I just called the guy who told me that. He says the energy used to breakdown caffine and use it in the body comes from your muscle.. but wouldn't all foods and drinks do that then? I think that is false. But are there bad effects of caffine other than a crash?
Well, too much of anything is a bad thing. You could get addicted to it where you'd have terrible headaches if you didn't have any in your system. But, you'd have to consistently consume a lot of caffine for that to happen. I don't see using caffine for a workout boost as being a problem.
You may wanna have those guys check their facts.

Caffeine is absorbed in your stomach and small intestine almost completely in less than an hour and then metabolized in your liver. It has a pretty short half-life too of about 6 hours.

Here's a good article on caffeine and how the body deals with it:

Like anything else, moderation is important and overuse or reliance on caffeine can lead to mild addiction and withdrawl when use ceases. It is normally recommended that people "taper off" caffeine use rather than stop cold turkey.