Sport Caffene

Sport Fitness
ok, im trying to qiut drinking all sorts of coke but im haveing trouble due to caffene headaches. Is there any food that will act as a substitute for this....if u kinda understabd what im saying?

I don't know the specific nutrition values about coffee, but from what I've read in the New Rules of Lifting, coffee is better than soda, so if you need the dose of caffeine for some reason I guess coffee is a substitute.
Cut cold turkey, period. If you need a food substitute to replace it, chocolate, but what good is that going to do? Deal with the headaches, push through for a week or two, you'll be fine. I've done it three times in my life. Once just recently, once last year, and a few years back. One thing to consider though, going to a caffeine free or DIET pop first. Withdrawing a high amount of sugar intake AND caffeine makes for severe withdraw. I have switched to diet and now I'm off of the drink almost entirely(killing the remainder of my stock which is a 12 pack of caffeine free diet mt dew). This is one battle I have experience with and have won before. Maybe switch to a diet or caffeine free first, then cut. But if the headaches aren't so severe they are doing educational/job performance damage then just get through them and you'll be fine. Lots of water to help clean out.
im not quitting coffee. never.

ive cut down massively and have to avoid caffeine at night as im already a poor sleeper, ive switched my bored at work coffees to bored at work peppermint teas, and i dont like 'soda' apart from the odd diet coke.

i love my coffee and will always have a fresh one if possible. instant coffees taste like chemical but theres nothing better than a proper, freshly made coffee.

so id like to take this stance against 10000% purity and say im not going to quit coffee. its the european in me.
nothing wrong with a little caffine in the diet. coffee, tea, diet soda, Bawls water, caffine pills, crystal methamphetamine.....

ok maybe not that last one.
I had the same problem as I had a need for caffeine, I've a very fast metabolism and energy so taking caffeine did me no favours and ensured sleepless nights and always feeling like an animal in a cage. Just cut it is what I did and replace it with water,I've really gotten a taste for it now.