I am an almost 50 yr old woman, who was in great shape about 7 years ago, and let her eating and exercise go. Have regained 55# and gotten totally out of control, until recently, then began back with cardio and weight training videos and running and walking. Also some Tae Bo, and whatever else I can fit in. Cleaning up my eating with fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and lofat dairy,nuts,seeds, and soy shakes (sugar free) . Cutting out white things (white bread, too many potatoes, etc) and drinking WAY more H2O.
Soo- today did Cathe Friedrich's Bootcamp tape at 5 am eek: ) and will garden and walk dog later.
Breakfast--soy shake, apple, and handful of cashews. 2 HUGE glasses of H20.
Hoping to get this weight off and get slim again by Christmas or so.
Soo- today did Cathe Friedrich's Bootcamp tape at 5 am eek: ) and will garden and walk dog later.
Breakfast--soy shake, apple, and handful of cashews. 2 HUGE glasses of H20.
Hoping to get this weight off and get slim again by Christmas or so.