By Your Powers Combined....I am Captain Planet

Hey does anybody here cosplay or into cosplay. If so I need some advice for a costume idea.

I was planning on going as Captain Planet for this years Anime Boston convention.

I already have the Green Hairspray without CFCs of course. It would defeat the purpose as dressing up as Captain Planet if I used something theat was harmful for the planet. Also I'm only going blue paint on my face blue. I'll wear blue spandex and red trunks.

Any ideas where I can get the boots, the glooves, and the upper part of his shirt with the planet symbol? For the that matter what could I use for that?
Try to look at this link, if you plan to purchase over the internet. I didn't check it out thoroughly (so I don't really know if its all that good), but it does say: Captain Planet Costumes, prices, etc :) ;)

Power baby!

Best wishes,


Those are for Captain America actually. Although Captain America is my all time favorite superhero. I plan on going as Captain Planet.

At this link above solves the boots problem.
HAHA Chillen fails. :p

Nice try though.

My fav superhero is Wolverine. Hes Canadian. :canadaf:

Wolverine is awesome. I use to have really long sideburns so people use to call me Wolverine.

I love Captain Planet too because he's all about the earth and anti hated. So he's kinda a political figure too when you think about it.
Hey does anybody here cosplay or into cosplay. If so I need some advice for a costume idea.

I was planning on going as Captain Planet for this years Anime Boston convention.

I already have the Green Hairspray without CFCs of course. It would defeat the purpose as dressing up as Captain Planet if I used something theat was harmful for the planet. Also I'm only going blue paint on my face blue. I'll wear blue spandex and red trunks.

Any ideas where I can get the boots, the glooves, and the upper part of his shirt with the planet symbol? For the that matter what could I use for that?
Did you go to the previous Anime Boston conventions? If yes, are they awesome to go to?

lol red boots and gloves? Maybe you can find them at a store or website that sells wrestling attire. I think you might find those red rubber gloves for cleaning at walmart :rofl:

You can try this:

all you have to do is find the planet symbol online, print it, then iron it on a blank t-shirt.
Did you go to the previous Anime Boston conventions? If yes, are they awesome to go to?

lol red boots and gloves? Maybe you can find them at a store or website that sells wrestling attire. I think you might find those red rubber gloves for cleaning at walmart :rofl:

You can try this:

all you have to do is find the planet symbol online, print it, then iron it on a blank t-shirt.

Yes, I went to the one in 2007. I didn't go to the one in 2008 because I didn't have the meney to go. So to answer your question, yes, they are fun.

I was considering getting something maybe at the local hardware store for red glooves. I'd love to get that Avery T-shirt transfer. It looks awesome.
Yes, I went to the one in 2007. I didn't go to the one in 2008 because I didn't have the meney to go. So to answer your question, yes, they are fun.

I was considering getting something maybe at the local hardware store for red glooves. I'd love to get that Avery T-shirt transfer. It looks awesome.

Were there any special guests there? Is there going to be any guest speakers for the one you're going to this year?
I know this is odd buuuut can you record video of the convention so I can see how it looks?
Sorry for asking a lot of questions, I am just really curious to know what the anime convention is all about. :biggrinsanta:
That's fine I don't mind. I can't gurantee that I'll be able to film it. I don't have access to a video recorder or anything. I'm even having a hard time posting the pics of my progress on my journal. If I do record anything you'll be one of the first people I'll show.