Weight-Loss Busy girl, Busy body.

Hi everyone, noob here.

For sometime now I've only been eating one or two meals a day, and I always maintain the same weight, but lately I've been gaining a few pounds. I'm thinking it's because I basically starve myself, eat a lot of carbs since I'm so incredibly busy with school and other priorities. What I want to do is make my health a priority also. I'm trying to re-organize my life.

I believe my body is under 'preservation' mode, since I'm probably not under a balanced diet my body is telling itself to store more fat than necessary. It's a trick of survival.

I'm not at all savvy with the conditions of a dietary plan but I'm very inquisitive on what sort of type you all may recommend? I'm not overweight at all.

Some key questions;
*What's the medium of how many carbs a person should take daily?

*I'm guessing 1 hour of exercise, 3 times a week is considered standard?
-What kind of exercise?
-Is there a universal exercise that targets every, if not most of your body? Running?

*Does swimming help tremendously?

*Any warnings?

I'm ALSO trying to focus more on my upper region, arms, chest and stomach, mainly my arms because most of my fat goes there. Help.
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every body is different - your best bet is to use a site like which will take into consideration your age, height, lifestyle etc -and give you an approximate number of calories you should be consuming in a day and give you a break down of carbs fats proteins.. (there's some formula they use but i don't know it off the top of my head and i'm too lazy to go look :D