Burning muscle during long bike rides?

I try to ride 3 times a week. My usual ride is roughly 30 miles in about 1 hour and 40 minutes, and my average heart rate for the ride is in the ballpark of 155-160. I also do upper body workouts 3 times a week. For this, I usually do as many pull ups and push ups with slight variations as I can in 30 minutes -- usually around 100 pull ups and 180-190 push ups. I have more fun during these body weight routines than I do with weights, so I'm more apt to keep it up.

During my rides, I know I'm burning a LOT of calories. I feel as if I'm losing some muscle in the process. As I'm sure is the case with everybody here, I would like to understand how to minimize muscle loss without sacrificing fat burn. I assume this revolves mostly around nutrition, so I was looking for some guidance as to what I should consume before a ride, during (if anything), and after.

Thanks for any insight any of you may have for me!

-Nolan Reed

Biking is like any other cardio exercise. If you bike for long periods of time, you will surely burn fat, but if you do this without eating enough protein then you will also burn muscle. When you are finished biking, you need to restore your amino acids and to do this eat protein. If you are not a meat eater, I would suggest protein shakes, bars, eggs, yogurt or cheese. However, make sure you replenish your body after you are finished riding. Think of your body as a car. When you burn fuel, you need more fuel in order to go on.
Enjoy your bike rides.

Have a wonderful day!
Protein and Carbs

Remember Protein for muscle growth and Carbs for energy. Just keep a balance, do not overeat on Carbs then your Glycogen levels will be to high and your body will store it as fat. See what works for you, I am a Mountain Biker and for 5 days a week my ratio is 50% Protein and 30% carbs and the rest is fat, and then for two days I swing the Protein and Carbs ration around. Especially if I am competing in an event. Also remember to replenish your Glycogen levels after a hard ride.