Bulking up Muscle/Lose Fat.. what will help?

Hi there, my name is Dustin, I'm from west coast Canada.
I have been working out regularly for around 3 months now.
My routine consists of working out 6 days a week, Mondays and Thursdays I do Chest and Triceps, Tuesday and Fridays I do Back and biceps, Wednesdays and Saturdays I do Legs and Shoulders. I superset cardio in 2 times a week(30min moderate speed on tredmill). I superset abs in 2 different days a week as well.
I am 5'9 at 185lbs. I don't have to much fat on most of my body...except for I do have a gut. My goal is to lose my gut, I don't need a 6 pack, but I would like a bit of stomach definition, and just be all around toned and looking good.
I'm working on getting my diet into a structured form of eating 6 meals a day. But being a college student it's hard to be consistant, but it's improving.

So basically my question is what supplements would you recommend to gain muscle and lose fat?

From the reading I've done I need to get myself a good multivitamin and EFA pills, but that's about it.

I read something about San's Tight, is it worth it? have any of you tried it?

Thanks, your feedback is appreciated also if you have any suggestions to changes to my routines I would like to hear them.
Sorry, I'm not going to read your post. Here's why: its damn near pointless to try to gain muscle AND lose fat at the same time.
Pick one goal, or the other. They require OPPOSITE dietary requirements.

You can't have your cake and eat it too. No supplement will help do this either.