Sport Bulk or Cut

Sport Fitness
I'm a little confused at the moment, I can't seem to decide if I should bulk or cut. I weigh 97kg(216lb). My goal is basically to get big, and have a low body fat percentege. I've been doing a FBW 3 days a week for 4 months, mainly doing squats, bench, bent over rows, barb curl, overhead press, dead, and sometimes some minor isolation on the abs or arms.

Now ive always stuggled with knowing whether i should be -500 calories or +500. I'd like to build my muscles bigger, but also i wanna get the fat % down so that they are showing better. Now i think I've been eating exactly how much I use.

The reason I'm afraid to go into a -500 calory defeceit is because my arms are laking, my legs r big and strong but my arms are laking in size and i REALLY do not want them to get smaller which I'm gussing they will if i drop the cals.

The reason I'm afraid to go +500 is because i have a bit of fat in my lower abs and my chest area covering the muscle a tad. I dont want to feed this fat and lose my abs or grow man boobs.

Idealy I would like to get my arms, shoulders, chest, abs and legs biggger(that is the order of importance), and then lower my body fat %.

Maybe I'm just not thinking clearly and the answer is obvious but I just can't decide what to do. Help would be appreciated.
Hey mate,

It's hard to tell without seeing photos. Do you have any pics you can post?

If it's any help, as long as you get enough protein and you lift heavy while you cut then muscle loss should be minimal. Conversely, as long as you do a nice slow clean bulk then fat gains should be minimal.
Im about your size, and am wondering the same thing! Photos is a good thing to post, so i may post some as well...I just don't want to take over YOUR thread.