building upper pecs and shoulders


i am trying build up my shoulders and upper pecs to get stronger for downhillbiking and i am going to be joining a gym soon, but i wanted to know if there are any excercises that i can do at home aswell. i used to do a lot of pushups but i found they only worked my lower pecs. I have a set of dumbells but im not really sure how i can use them to build my upper pecs without a bench.

do pushups with your feet up on a chair.
Handstand Pushups if you can do them or Hindu Pushups. Also try doing pushups with your hands at different spacings and different placement relative to your shoulders, that is up by your ears or down lower nearer your abs.

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Here it is: little(dot)im/FitnessXpert

Dont slow down, just set your mind to it, move forward and in time you'll see yourself in a better shape. Personally, from my own experience, seeing myself toner only gives me more encouragement to keep moving forward.

With Best of Hope,