Building Mass on Abs Without a Bulk

I want to build some mass on my abs to get them even more toned and defined however I do not want to go on a bulk to be honest. I'm 14 and 5"10. I already have a clear six pack, but I want to define the lines much more. I understand that this will also come with a lower body fat percentage, and I am working on that seperately; however I am wondering what are the best exercises to build MASS on the abs.

I started trying some weighted situps/crunches and these really seemed to be working the abs hard. I heard that these weghted exercises are good for ab mass gain.

Any help?
there are a lot of exercises that you can do that can work your abs, but to be honest, there are a lot of exercises that are more body workouts that also work your core as a secondary, which are much better for overall exercise. Also be sure that if you are working your abs hard, than you need to work your back just as hard. Everything needs to be done in balance ... biceps / triceps, abs and mid/lower back
Have you tried Turkish Get Ups? If not give them ago and make sure you use a heavy kettlebell.

Squats are also another excellent core exercise if you go heavy, you never see a narrow powerlifter!