Broken hand

Well, I was boxing on my heavy bag, and I hit the bag at a pretty bad angle where my hand bent inward (right hand,) then later during the training session I hit it at another bad angle and my hand bent down (also right hand.) Now the problem is that I have multiple pains in my hand now. During this session, I was not wearing tape. I have pain in the areas that are highlighted in the picture below.

1. Sharp pain when applying direct pressure or punching (backside); dull pain when applying direct pressure (palmside)
2. Where the thumb metacarpal meets the wrist (backside) there's a dull pain, but a shooting (palmside) when turning hand or moving left to right. My thumb gets kind of stiff sometimes too, and I can crack it very easily just by rotating it.
3. oh wait, I forgot to put 3 XD
4. Just a small pain when rotating fingers around
5. Same as above, but a little more pain (note I have had a boxer's fracture in my right hand before and my metacarpal snapped completely in half).

Also in my left hand, I have a pain in my pointer finger at the knuckle (not the main punching knuckle, but the one below it). And it also has some pain in the pointerfinger metacarpal when I punch.

Any advise on how to proceed, or not proceed. Am I punching too hard, are my bones weak (note that I've never broken a bone except for when I punch things.) I don't have transportation to a doctor's office currently.

Edit: symptoms in left hand seem to be similar to right hand now. Pain in the 5th metacarpal (pinky metacarpal) and around thumb and lots near the pointer finger knuckle. Also my right hand, all the knuckles have a lot of pain when pushing them together lightly.
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that sucks man, you should always make sure u punch the right way. i know how it feels tho man.
Tell exactly this to your doctor asap. There's really nothing we can do for you. Just keep it on ice if it starts to swell.
So, do you think I can still proceed with my boxing, because I have a tournament coming up soon. My hand is still fully functional, it's just painful in a lot of places.
I've never heard of having a nerve problem, do you have any information about that; I looked it up on google, but it wasn't much help.
Well you've got a lot of nerves in your hand and wrist, and the way you got your hand bent up might result in some nerve damage...

The biggest thing I saw was all the sporadic spots in your hand that are in pain. This is might resemble nerve damage...

But I am NOT a doctor and I can't begin to tell you what's wrong with you.

For all you and I know, you might even have some connective tissue damage, like tendon or ligament injuries. Those are damn serious, especially if you are expecting to go out and fight soon. Don't mess with this **** and see a doctor pronto.
Update: Haven't seen a doctor yet, but the pain in areas 2, 5, and 4 have subsided greatly, but are still noticeable. The pain in area #1 seems to have gotten worse though. Seems that my left hand's (same area) pain has gotten on equal level as my right. It's just in that area now though; I have tried to stop boxing for a few days and it seems to have helped.
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Thats crazy!!.. if that right hand pain has subsided so quickly I'm thinking it's probably not a break.. i initially thought that area one looked broken.. two aswe4ll .. 4 fractured ontop and 5 a clip offf the outta knuckle corner.. but if you can easily pick things up without pain i guess maybe not..

Go to a doctor if you really want to know for sure!.. you dont have to take the meds or treatment but just best to know what youre dealing with if your concerned. partiiclualy if you wanna fight.. screwing yourself now with bs tootootough ego is not going to see you acheive your long term goals.. ego sh,mego!.. if you need to ask "us" .. then you miight wanna just bite the bulletr and get yourself to a doctor..

I did my own hand on a set of heavy wet sand bags in the sthn mountains of china training ..and ya live and learn .. good form -handy to stay onto !..

anyway... if it's boxing where you don't really have alot of options to block and parry with forearms so much ..then I think you'd either have to sacrifice a record point ( and I would scoff if you frontemee like that and happily proceed to merciliessly kick your as* ) or go reccoup and come back later..

there's nO bravery in being stuipid.. ya messed up and thats that.. soo I recommend you eat that up.. and in future remember how and why that form is soo important to maintain at all times..

welcome to school ..good luck with your healing ..

Blooming tianshi Lotus

P.s. if it's not bone breakage it may just be ligament.. in thaat casse I recommehnd a loooad of light weight bearing stretching lots of hot and cold fluids and gentle massage..
I actually have to agree with BL (and all the rest). A fellow thrower of mine felt some tweaking in his back a bit back and just let the pain subside even though it hurt quite a bit. Well, he went back to deadlifting and a piece of his spine snapped off and...well, he's lucky to be walking.

Anyway, just because the pain goes away does not mean there's no damage and can show back up days, months, or years later when it'll be worse.

In other words...go to the doctor.
and santa was never a ninja @). :).

good Lei. Reeal good. .. whatever your parents are feeding you ... I'd be suspicious from here on in.

Blooming Lotus
See a DR , Then when you get it sorted, FORGET PUNCHING & use open hand techniques. Sounds like someone up there is sending you a message, If you don;t learn it, you're destined to repeat it, I sincerely hope it's ok, My instructor taught me a technique , damaged my hand badly, I learnt a lot from that incident. & i haven't done that technique since, he's stopped teaching it, after that night.
All her posts must have been deleted. Or maybe this is all a sleep-deprived hallucination, for the both of us.

good news is you're not crazy!! :).. well not for thaat reason anyway. I just PM'd a (?) mod a few minutes ago because I think other ppl can only read my posts if i'm logged on.

Actually, speaking of this though, i just kicked off a hundred day fitness lvl up program yesterday and I think that at work over the last few months I did a wrist / phalange / joint injury to myyself .

I really don't doo doctors, but I think there's a chip been knocked off a shaft in there and a hairline split and the joint has been dislocated :( :(..

It's okaay but when I'm stretching after pushup sets or stretching or working on certain angles, like when you throw your arms over ahead and sink back into your pelvis , if I flip my hand palm up to change the muscle groups or elongate the stretch.. it 's paainful! ..and I dont even doo pain neither.:/.

I think if I get an xray and pop the dislcoation back in myself ( providing i can see it being the angle my head is at from here) and just work the rest out with self-administration ( like massage and bone and joint diet and pressure point therapy etc) I shoould be okay..stooooopid injuries. workplace health and safety is a huuge issue!!.. and this company floats internationally!!@). ..

on youur injury though, remember that these things take like 6 weeks to heal for a break, 12 for a fracture, dislocation as soon as you reset it and bones remake themselves every 2 yrs! Don't belieeve these things are permanent. Science says 'not neccessarily true'!.

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