Broken arm.

For the past five months i have been running, boxing and skipping everyday except sunday and have built up a fair bit of muscle tone, however i broke my arm recently and am unable to run, box or skip. i dont want to lose my muscle tone and fitness levels.
What can i do to keep up my fitness levels and keep some degree of muscle?
You can still walk, do an easy hike, or stationary cycle if you need cardio. Really, anything's fine as long as you don't need your arm to do it.

Also, I learned a handy trick with the nervous system. If you do some light exercise with weights on your non-broken arm (but not so much that that arm grows disproportionately), then your broken arm will maintain, or at least lose less of its muscle tone as your brain continues to send signals to both sides of the body to keep those muscles recruited. True story.