Bright yellow pee.

Started taking multivitamins and my pee seems to be really bright? was so used to be pee being like clear and then it goes strait to this super brightnes. I was a bit scared at first but its because of the multivitamin yeah?
wouldn't that be from excess that the body couldn't absorb just being peed out?
Unfortuantely that's the nature of multis. They are so packed full your body can't possible absorb all the nutrients. Don't stop taking them, but try and find a slow release multi.
Unfortuantely that's the nature of multis. They are so packed full your body can't possible absorb all the nutrients. Don't stop taking them, but try and find a slow release multi.
i just took a pill cutter chopped mine in half, taking half in the am then other 8 hours later n no more neon pee
some multi's flush your system out with anti-antioxidants....could be that too, but yeah my pee is only neon in the morning, i take mine at night before bed (slow time released multi)
I too get the flourescent urine when taking multi' makes me worry & wonder if this isn't placing a toll on my kidney's??:confused::confused:

What I've found is that "food-based multivitamins" seem much better in that you don't get that intense yellow color....and because they're food-based, the theory goes that the body can assimilate them properly. I've read a lot of info suggesting that calcium is largely derived from crushed oyster shells and that Kodak makes vitamin-E from a byproduct of their photo-chemicals.nte

They say you can't absorb calcium without the presence of vitamin-D, and the list goes on. It's suggested that many of these supplements, vitamins & minerals are not assimilated into our bodies and we get little or no benefit from taking them. Hard to say, but the food-based vitamins do seem like a better bet if you intend on taking a multi-vitamin.

Ya can go to Vitamin Shoppe and find THOUSANDS of supplements...all unregulated and yet touting all sorts of claims. Seems each year new supplements are derived from odd plants that are discovered in distant rain-forest or caves in far-away lands. I'm sure some of them work, but many are useless and perhaps a few even dangerous.....