
look i know i help in this forum but i have a running question.
my friend here in israel started to run after a long break from running.
while the run and after the run he feels like he has an astma, but he doesnt, its like his throwt and lungs cant get the air.
why is that happens, he doesnt suffer from any breathing problem, and he doesnt know why thats happens?

please help, because i dont know hot to help him.
That's a good question. I have the same problem, even at a slow pace...I breath really loud and calms down a little but initially it's pretty deep and I'm extremely red faced and it's definately a cardio I can benefit from...for myself I would have to say that if I did it more often my breathing would probably be more controlled. I'd be interested to hear other points though...;)
It has to do with your oxegen uptake efficiency. That is your ability to transfer oxygen from the air around you to the muscles that need it. There are a number of components from the ability of your diaphram and rib cage muscles to expand your lungs to the ability of your lungs to transfer oxygen to your blood stream to the abilty of your circulatory system to transfer oxygen enriched blood to the muscle and the abilty of the muscle to absorb and use the oxygen. It gets better with frequent practice. I notice if I go for less than a week between runs they get easier and easier, however if I let more than a week go by its much harder than the last time to keep the same pace from a beathing standpoint.