Breathing method

When executing an exercise, when does one inhale and exhale, im confused beyond belief. For example when doing a bench press, do I inhale when i push the barbell upwards and exhale on the waydown or visa versa, and is the breathing and important thing to do correctly.


(Stoked to have a work bench now)
Normally, you breathe out (exhale) whenever you exert a lot of energy to either push or pull the weight. For example,

1)on the bench press you exhale while pressing the weight upward.
2)on rows, you exhale while pulling the weight in.
3) On bicep curl, you exhale while contracting the bicep in (pulling the weight up).
4) for tricep extension, you breathe out while contracting the tricep motion.
5) on pushup, you exhale while pushing up off the ground.

The general rule is that when you are contracting the muslce excercised is when you exhaled and it is NOT relative to if you are pulling/pushing or going toward/away from ground.

Breathing is extremely important and try to avoid holding your breathe too much.