Sport Breakfast

Sport Fitness
Hello all. I wake up and go to the Y to jog/run first thing in the morning (5:30) and eat after I shower when I get home. I thinnk that not eating before working out keeps me from pushing as hard and getting tired. What should I eat to keep this from getting too tired. Also Im on a low carb diet to assist in fat loss for a three month duration. Thanks.
Ok well with some research it seems I'm doing the right thing. Morning cardio is more effective on an empty stomach.
Thats always been my understanding of it, at least from what Ive read. Personally, I dont do morning cardio because Im not a morning all. NO better way to ruin my day than to get up earlier than I have to. :eek:
sicone said:
Ok well with some research it seems I'm doing the right thing. Morning cardio is more effective on an empty stomach.
thats not really the case. fuel the workout and replenish afterwards.

alwyin cosgrove put it very well


Are you ****ing kidding me? Seriously, are you ****ing kidding me? Why are we even talking about this?

Let's take two twins, both 200lbs, both doing the same training program, taking the same supplements, and following the same nutrition plan in the hopes of getting lean.

One difference, though: one of them eats 2 eggs and does 30 minutes of cardio three days per week. The other does 30 minutes of cardio, three days per week and THEN eats 2 eggs.

So what's the magical difference in terms of fat loss after six months? Drum roll please...

I'll tell you — no ****ing difference.

However, whenever you bring up this question we get a ton of responses saying, "This is exactly the information I needed!". Oh **** off. The reason you are still fat is because you couldn't decide to do cardio on an empty stomach or not?

30 minutes of steady state cardio will burn about 300 calories. Three times per week – 900 calories. Add that up for 26 weeks and we get a whopping: 23,400 calories.

Or 6.6 lbs of fat.

In six months.

If doing it fasted, burned 30% more (which it doesn't), you're looking at another 2lbs of fat in that same six month period.

Or an additional 0.07 pounds per week.

And for those of you who say – I do fasted cardio but I have a small scoop of protein first, then you're NOT DOING IT FASTED THEN, ARE YOU?

Fat people finish marathons all the time. Aerobic training doesn't do a hell of a lot for real world fat loss. Even if you're hungry.
abear said:
And for those of you who say – I do fasted cardio but I have a small scoop of protein first, then you're NOT DOING IT FASTED THEN, ARE YOU?

the whole article is at t-mag. i think it was called "if its not cosgrove, its crap"

the rest of it is just as good :)
sicone said:
Ok well with some research it seems I'm doing the right thing. Morning cardio is more effective on an empty stomach.

it is, morning jogging is the best, especially if your trying to burn some fat, cause it goes straight to your reserves.. but still I would recommend eating a fruit or yogourt, something very light.. just to say u had something.. this way you're playing safe and can prevent from fainting or hurting yourself on the occasionnal low-energie days..
After I saw the 1st post I immediately thought of Cosgrove. abear you beat me to it again.

Great article in its entirety. If any of you haven't read it yet you should.

Another excerpt from Alwyn Cosgrove:


I can vividly remember doing a photo shoot at our gym with a male client who had lost 85lbs of fat and now had a nice six-pack to show for his efforts.

My own gym members came up and asked me what his "secret" was.

There is no secret.

They seemed to think I'd given him the "real" information and had withheld it from them! He's been given the same advice as I give to everyone else — he just chose to follow it a little more closely.

Fat loss is not under the control of the magic fat loss fairies. It's based on simple changes in behavior. Granted, there are programs out there that work better than others, but it's more likely because some programs violate number #9 above.

Now you have to read the article so you can see what #9 is.

Ok so I really doesn't matter as long as I happen just get up and go do it. I think I'll go fasted on days where I have plenty of energy and eat something real light on days where I fell tired.

Oh and when I read the first Cosgrove quote I though you were talking about the Cosgrove from Freakazoid!. I'm going to go read the whole article.
sicone said:
Ok so I really doesn't matter as long as I happen just get up and go do it. I think I'll go fasted on days where I have plenty of energy and eat something real light on days where I fell tired.

Oh and when I read the first Cosgrove quote I though you were talking about the Cosgrove from Freakazoid!. I'm going to go read the whole article.

the tiredness will probably be the lack of food in ur system, i'd eat, just listen to ur bodys natural signs. If your stomach rumbles and you feel hungry then eat until ur satisfied. its such a simple concept yet so many people are so paranoid about eating and how they should eat :cool:
Personally, I can't do anything in the mornings without food inside me. But, I'm not really a morning person anyway. I was going to try 30mins on the x-trainer every morning before work but, I would much rather stay in my nice, warm bed for those 30mins, then eat breakfast, then stumble half asleep into work...