Sport breakfast tips needed !!

Sport Fitness
Hello all....

I have just a question might be funny ... I love luckycharms and every morning i eat a bowl of lucky charms and fat free milk with a cup of orange juice ...

but my friend told me that lucky charms are not so good because of the marshmellow ... I was wondering if that is true or not ??(hope not:p :p ) if it is what other cereal would you guys recommend ???
Uhh.... must we need to tell you the answer to this question? :confused: The marshmellows are indeed full of sugar and are not the healthiest thing in the world for you. Stick to simple eggs and whole wheat breat, or oatmeal is great as well.
you know... eggs on the easy mode, not hard or all star eggs.

hehe jk, i think he just meant eggs, plain eggs. He substituted the word simple for plain basically... simply eggs, basic eggs, from a hen.
if it's your only sweet thing, go for it. cereal has a lot of vitamins. and it's certainly better than eating a fat free muffin or other cake, IMO.
lucky charms would be a cheat meal. whole lotta simpe sugar and processed flour in it.
replace with old fashion, or steel cut oats.
and eggs. egg whites, toss in a couple yolks. scrambled, omlette, hard or soft boiled.
yeah lucky charms is basically the only sweet thing I eat .... besides orange juice which i drink a lot !!

but I should replace it with an egg white only on white bread is good, enough ??

also what is the best way to lose body fat ?? I never eat junk food or soda ... besides my lucky charms !!
I try to eat little carb on dinner !!

however I do not have the patience to eat 6 - 8 meals a day ... for me is breakfast lunch and dinner ....
I do ride my bike everyday for 1 to 2 hours ...

is this enough to reduce my body fat ???

thanks all !! and have good weekend !! Finally is friday hehe
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I say ditch the orange juice as well. its loaded with sugar and drinking calories (outside of PWO shakes) is always bad news. You polish off a 1/2 gallon of OJ in a day, you've pretty much drank about 900 calories. Thats a LOT to just drink. Stick with water
You want more than one egg white. Try for 3-5 on some whole wheat toast. The more times per day you eat, the smoother your metabolism runs and that will accelerate your goals. Nutrition will make or break any exercise routine. Just by changing the way in which a person eats (time/amount) can lead to weight loss.
I dont mind eggs but I have boiled eggs ... How do you guys make your eggs ?? just on the fridge with some oil ???

i know stupid question but im college student living by myself .. sooo don't how to do much :p :p

I dont drink that much but I would say 1 galon of orange juice for 3-4 days ...

ok I cut orange juice and eat egg sandwhich in the morning !!! That seems possible ...

during the day I eat a lot of tune I love tuna, that is ok right ???

thanks all 1! !!
I fry my eggs on the stove, 6 whites, 1 yolk. I use Pam non-stick spray. I eat this with two slices whole wheat bread with jam and 1/2 cup oats, 1 scoop whey, 1 tbsp honey, 1 cup milk, and a banana. However I am currently bulking :)

Tuna is a great source of protein, but I would try to throw in some other sources. Ive started buying Black Bear chicken breast and cant get enough. Ive even branched into ham and soon roast beef.
I ran out of Eggs this morning and had to grill up a Buffalo steak that I was saving for dinner!...mmmmmmm the sweet smell of buffalo in the morning!

OMG you eat all that for breakfast ??? I was thinking more like 2-3 whites 1 yoke on bread and milk !!
and when you say 1 scoop of whey, you mix whey with the milk at breakfast ???

and what would whey do exactly hehe ??? what brand do you use ??
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i eat 5 egg whites and 2 yolks, and a cup of cooked oats for my first breakfast most every day.

like scramble ??? or on bread ??

man that's a lot of eggs for 1 meal alone !! :eek: :eek:
probrably if I eat all those eggs on breakfast I wont be eating lunch ... too full :p :p

and what shake would you recommend to drink for breakfast ??

thanks all for the advice ...!!1
I can see that most members here eat eggs during breakfast ..... ill try starting doing that too !!
my eggs are scrambled or on mornings where my wife is agreeable, i get an omlette.
my eggs come out to 23g of protein, so my breakfast protein is covered.

for any shake, I recommend a whey + casein blend. current research I follow seems to indicate this is better in all situations than straight whey.

but eat whole food for breakfast. a shake will have you starving again after an hour.
so if I eat eggs oats and a whey shake made with milk should be a good breakfast right ??
now what whey brand would you recommend ??

usually I eat salad for lunch and some lean meat for dinner ... chicken or fish ....
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