Breakfast supplement shake?

I'm a college student who's got early classes but hates going to the caf before school. I used to be big into weight training so of course I had my whey powder. Now I'm pretty much all about running (with the exception of push up variations, core work outs, and about to start testing a pull up regimen) My question is: Could I drink the whey shake as a breakfast supplement even though I don't really lift? Are there better alternatives to drink rather than just whey protein powder since I'm not lifting? (My roommate drinks muscle milk, but I don't really know too much about it) Thanks!
i would go with a slower moving protein, like casein or egg white powders. the texture is unpleasant, so whey + milk is just fine and can be used as a meal replacment to an extent. This is better than bad food alternatives.
i would go with a slower moving protein, like casein or egg white powders. the texture is unpleasant, so whey + milk is just fine and can be used as a meal replacment to an extent. This is better than bad food alternatives.
The thing I was worried about was like you were saying, bad food alternatives... or just not eating at all. How many grams of protein should I drink to last from say 9-12? I'm in class from those times. I ride my bike to and from class, but that's not really any kind of a work out to speak of. 12 is when I eat lunch. I weigh 150 pounds.
1.5 servings (~40g protein - and I highly recommend the premium chocolate banana flavor, best taste currently in existence among all brands, imo) with 8 ice cubes, 1.5 cups ice cold water, 1/4 tsp kosher sea salt, 0.4 oz almonds, 1 rounded teaspoon psyllium husk (metamucil or similar brand, unflavored, though, or it will nasty it up in a hurry).

Turn on blender, throw in and liquefy everything but the protein and fibre supplement (the psyllium), reduce speed to stir, pop off lid, slowly pour in protein, wait a second or two, dump in psyllium, wait a few seconds (should now be thick like a milkshake, and nearly as tasty), turn off the blender.

Pour it, slam it, run out door.

With a little practice you can get total time from arriving in kitchen to leaving kitchen down to ~2.5 minutes (if you're slow and clumsy ;) ).
How did I know that when I saw you replied that it was going to be ridiculous? :rolleyes:

Lol, just kidding man. I'm gonna do exactly what you said... if not for the nutritional purposes, then for the fun!