Using whole wheat bread is good, but why not mix up your carb sources?
Use some oats, brown rice or whole wheat pasta. Also watch what meats you are eating. When you say lean meats are you referring to things like chicken breast?
Dont eat cold cuts.
Eating plays a major part in shaping what your progress will be like. Many people are unable to gain a lot of lbm without gaining some fat along with it. Some can just fine, but as far as I have seen people usually
bulk: calorie surplus (clean bulking is recommended but not necessary) accompanied by heavy lifting..
cut: low-calorie diet accompanied cardio and high rep low weight training.
This is a major generalisation, but its basically the bare skeleton.
IF you were to attempt to bulk and "tone" at the same time its important to understand the following:
You lose fat by burning it as fuel.
You gain muscle by hitting them hard, supplying nutrients, and then RESTING.
In order to cut you should be consuming
low calories so that your body will not burn the calories at cardio-time, but rather you fat stores. In order to bulk you should be eating
high calories so that your body has no choice but to grow.
Physiologically speaking, the two do not go together so well. BUT, again this is really dependant on what your body type is.
Say for instance you are an ectomorph (like me
You might be able to lose some fat and gain muscle just by really cleaning up your diet and training properly with enough rest. Sometimes it really depends on what you are eating and when.
I took almost all the carbs out of my last few meals of the day and within a month I had lost WITHOUT cardio. Why? Because your body stores carbs that are not used as energy. SURE your body needs some energy to perform its natural functions and also aid in muscle tissue repair, BUT you dont need to be eating bread before bed because that will just be counter-productive.
Try removing almost all your carbohydrates from your last meal of the day. Try something like a mixture of protein shake (ON whey or anything that has little to no carbs) and flax/Udo's oil (tbsp).
A little low fat cottage cheese is fantastic as well because the casein protein in cottage cheese is digested much more slowly than whey protein. This ensures that during your sleep your body will have optimal protein levels.
The Flax/Udos is great because not only do they contain sufficient EFAs Omega 3,6 and 9.. But they also make the whey protein digest slower as well.
Little details might not seem so important, but in the long run they can make a world of difference.
Hit me up with a PM if you think I could help you out!
Cheers. And sorry for the Novella lol..