Brand Spankin New!

Hey everyone, Im new to the World Fitness Forum I decided to acutally commite to a fitness and dietary plan and I figured that to help in keeping myself on track and devoted to my goals is to meet and interact with other people trying to do the same thing I am doing. So I hope to be able meet other people on here and well talk about fitness...

Im 19 and Im 210lbs and around 5'8

lol and don't worry I don't always sound like a complete ass like I did above seriously.

I acutally have a question someone told me that I should eat like 6 times a day instead of the one big one that Im eating now in the evening and I was justing wondering if its true because if it is, then I need to start planning a better diet.
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Hi there. Firstly, welcome to the forum - you'll find lots of likeminded people here with similar goals so, encouragement and motivation shouldn't be a problem. Secondly, you didn't sound like an ass ;)

Now, what you have been told about eating 6 times a day is absolutely true. You should aim to eat roughly every 2-3 hours. Calculate the number of calories you should be consuming daily to achieve your goals (there are plenty of threads on how to do this) and spread them between those 6 meals. Equally as important is what those meals consist of, just counting calories is no good on its own, you'll need plenty of protein, good carbs and fats to achieve your goals.

Post up what you're currently doing in terms of excercise and diet and I'm sure people will be happy to offer you some input.

Best of luck with your goals :)

I haven't started counting carbs or keeping track of calories or anything like that, I just cut out all junk food and snacking between established meals. I also stopped drinking pop and am only drinking water.

as for exercise Ive just start out for the first time this morning I did some streatches and did 3 sets of 15 crunches and 2 sets of 5 pushups and I plan to start walking this evening after work.

What I really need to do is write myself down a planned schedule and stick to it and stop making excuse for not doing things, I'm sure you've heard if before from others or maybe even yourself at one point the whole... I won't exercise today but ill make up for it tomorrow and then tomorrow gets pushed till the next day and you never exercise again, or with food I have a real nasty habit of starting to eat right only to give up 3 or 4 days later when I had a craving for something sweet.
Good post Chris.....

And just to use some scare tactics to motivate you to change your dietary habits, what you are doing now, with the one giant meal in the evening, is the absolute WORST thing you can do for your weight, health, metabolism, and body! It is the exact opposite of what you should be doing.

I def. recommend doing some searching on nutrition within this forum and get a base knowledge of what you need to do.

Good luck and welcome to the forum!
Thats for the warm welcome to the boards, and I took your advice and have started looking around for a good nutrient plan that will work for me.
Search for cutting. Eat most of your complex carbs in the morning. Do cardio first thing in the morn. on an empty stomach. And, welcome.
Fasted cardio is something that some people find effective but, not everyone. If you are just starting an excercise regime, it could be a struggle and enough to put you off! Trainer_Lynn always offers good advice on getting started:-

Trainer Lynn said:
1) Eat 5-6 small meals throughout the day. Each meal should be 2-3 hours apart. Each meal should contain one protein and one carb. The first meal should be eaten within an hour after waking.

2) Drink a cup of water at each meal.

3) Rest properly. This means taking at least 48 hours between strength training the same muscles, and it also means getting at least 7-8 hours of sleep per night. Lastly, it means taking 1-2 days off from exercising per week.

4) Cardio. This should be done at different intensity levels and different session lengths. Consider doing a low intensity/long session, a high intensity/short session and a few medium intensity/medium length sessions.

5) Strength Training. Strength train each muscle 1-3 times per week. You should lift a proper weight and perform the proper amount of sets/reps for your strength training method. If you need more guidance or exercise ideas you can head over

All of the above things combined will result in fat loss.
Yea, I agree that I would not worry about doing cardio first thing in the morning, unless your schedule allows it and you don't mind waking up early. Just get out there and get it done when your time permits.

thanks for all the good advice, and I will do my best to put it to practical use. I went ahead and bought an ebook called Stew Smith's Downloadable Workout Series, I bought the 45 day beginner version, It was pretty cheap so if it turns out to be a waste of time I won't be out alot, have any of you heard of this guy? I read the download and it looks like he's saying the same thing as what you guys have been telling me, he says i need to drink like alot! of water and such but he gives a good workout schedule and diet plan.