Brand quality for supplements *look in here*

When I buy supplement's I always wonder if I am getting a "good enough" brand, and think "is this really going to better me". Most of my supplements I get from wal-mart and they have the brand called Spring Valley. Anybody know anything about this brand, is it good or not? I ask these things because I truely believe quality of the product makes a HUGE difference in how well the supplement will work. I experienced this test first hand: I bought some st. johns wort from GNC (it was GNC brand) and used it for 2 and a half months, when it ran out I switched to Perika (which is said to be the best brand of st. johns wort) and I couldn't believe the difference in how much better it worked (and it was the same standraized mg too).

FYI, the supplements I buy from wal-mart (spring valley) are:
Super Omega complex
Antioxidant formula
You shoudl be asking yourself, do I need these suppliments.
what are you taking?

I have protien powder, I have a shake only if im rushed, maybe 3per week. I also take creatine once a day.
there is nothing else you need if your diet is good.
if your diet is lacking you may wanna get some fish oil and multi vitamins, but at the end of the day - I love to eat, and I'd much reather eat than mix up powders and take pills.
manofkent said:
You shoudl be asking yourself, do I need these suppliments.
what are you taking?

I have protien powder, I have a shake only if im rushed, maybe 3per week. I also take creatine once a day.
there is nothing else you need if your diet is good.
if your diet is lacking you may wanna get some fish oil and multi vitamins, but at the end of the day - I love to eat, and I'd much reather eat than mix up powders and take pills.

I need these supplements. I had cancer so my immune system is different and very poor, my body has been through hell, nothing you could ever imagine, so I would say yes. Also, I'm not really talking about from a bodybuilding standpoint (not talking about protien, I mean pill form supplements)... I was aiming more towards over all health. I eat good and the omega complex is fish oil along with 3 other oils and I also take a mutlivitamin everyday.
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