Sport brain uses calories

Sport Fitness
i read in newsweek today somewhere that the brain uses around 20% of the body's energy for connecting and linking synapses and firing neurons. and of course energy comes from calories.
but the thing is, they said that the more you use your brain, the more synapses that have to be linked and more neurons fired, and i assume this takes more calories.
the question is: is there any substancial differance in calories burned when you use your brain A LOT versus minimal hard thinking?
silly thought, but im curious.
i read in newsweek today somewhere that the brain uses around 20% of the body's energy for connecting and linking synapses and firing neurons. and of course energy comes from calories.
but the thing is, they said that the more you use your brain, the more synapses that have to be linked and more neurons fired, and i assume this takes more calories.
the question is: is there any substancial differance in calories burned when you use your brain A LOT versus minimal hard thinking?
silly thought, but im curious.

lol. Start studying really hard everyday and tell us how it goes. thats cardio.

seriously idk.
This explains why I have to eat so friggin much to gain.

And from this I say, hardgainers are smarter than others! YAY!!! :p
This is what is called applying scientific information to real life :D
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i will get a new avatar when the time comes to represent the revival of my lifting privilages; but only when that time comes
My head swells up when it gets used alot. Must be the carbs and water. Especially today. LOL. Loads of calories used.
Well the article has some truth to it. A majority of your energy comes from just your body working and maintaining itself. I think the ratio is something like 70% for life support, 10% for digestion, and 20% for physical activities. So basically, your brain has a lot going on.

I doubt using your brain a lot more is going to cause you to lose weight. It is said you use less than 10% of your brain at any point. So thinking more would probably do nothing. However, for some, serious thinking can cause sweating, increase heart rate, and so fort, which might contribute to some additional calories burnt, but nothing in an area of where you’ll be in shortage.

All in all, I think that article is just as silly as that one that claims if you swing your arms around a lot, you'll build muscles.
i knew you'd say that ;)

finefine..even though you have a new username and i did make make for it before ;)