Bosu balance trainer

My personal trainer recommended a Bosu trainer to help improve my core. I saw a workout video and it seems that you can do all kinds of exercises on it. :confused: It is expensive, tho. Has anybody tried this at home. Is it as easy to use as the video shows?
I LOVE the BOSU. I do not have one at home, but I use it in my classes at the gym all the time (and with my clients). It is an awesome way to improve core strength and balance. The exercises you can perform on it are endless - not only cardio, but strength. If you can afford it, I say definitely go for it! :)
We use them at the gym I go to (World Gym). I love it! It makes everything you do work more muscles as you try to balance. I haven't seen the video, but I would say you have to be moderately in shape to use it. For me, abs and legs are doable, but for arms (ie flip it over, grasp the rim and do pushups) it's really difficult and a good workout! HTH!
Thanks for the feedback on the bosu trainer. I am going to try it some more at the gym,then maybe I will buy one. It dosen't seem too difficult except for just standing and balancing which is very hard for me. I am getting better at it though. I am getting over tendonitis in my knees, and this is supposed to be good for strengthening my muscles in my legs.