Boot Camp

Hello All!
I need advice on running. I am a beginner. Not a good runner at all. I need to get my time down to 7 minutes a mile. We have to run 3 miles for our PFT, and there is a 5 mile Motivational run at the end of boot camp. Last time I ran 1.5 miles I ran it in 12:34 minutes, but I had to stop a few times, which we are not allowed to do in boot. I was just wondering if anyone could give me any advice? Any is appreciated!

Thank you so much.
start by running 200 meter than sprint 200 meter and keep doing this for 2 miles every other day :) good luck
GIJane05 said:
Hello All!
I need advice on running. I am a beginner. Not a good runner at all. I need to get my time down to 7 minutes a mile. We have to run 3 miles for our PFT, and there is a 5 mile Motivational run at the end of boot camp. Last time I ran 1.5 miles I ran it in 12:34 minutes, but I had to stop a few times, which we are not allowed to do in boot. I was just wondering if anyone could give me any advice? Any is appreciated!

Thank you so much.

This is similar to a routine I suggested to a guy that was going either military or SWAT.I've used similar routines myself to good effect:

I would start out with two days of intervals, say Monday and Wednesday, and on Saturdays I would test myself in the 3-mile run.

Push yourself in the intervals and use Saturday's run as an indicator of your progress.I would also gradually increase the distance of the intervals.For example:

First three weeks: 400 meter intervals
Second three weeks: 800 meter intervals
Third three weeks: 1600 meter intervals
10th week: no intervals

For the 400's, use these as a break in period.This is important, especially if you are new to running and have not built up an adequate aerobic base.Start out with 3 400's using 90 second rest intervals.Add one interval per week so you should be running at least 5 400's by the third week.60-75 seconds per 400 meter is a good time to shoot for.

For the 800's, again start out with 3 intervals and 90 second rest intervals and build up to 5 800's by the 6th week.A good time is 3 minutes or better per 800.

For the 1600's, run 3 of them each session.This time, instead of increasing the volume, you are going to decrease the rest interval.Start out with 90 seconds rest on week 7, 60 seconds rest on week 8, and 30 seconds rest on week 9.6 minutes per 1600 is a very good time to strive for.

Abstaining from intervals in the 10th week is for recovery purposes, as interval training can be extremely demanding.Your 3-mile run on that week is your only running session and should be a good indicator of the type of progress you have made.

You didn't say how much time you had left before boot, so you may have to adjust the times accordingly.Make sure you have a good pair of running shoes.

I take it from your user name that you are female, which means you are getting sent to the Island.I hope you like sand fleas ;)

By the way, your location says CT and MI.What part of Michigan?

Good luck in boot.
Thank you guys so much for your replies. I leave for boot camp on Aug. 15. It is going to be so humid in SC! I live here in Clinton Township, MI. I will definately try the intervals! I have plenty of time to get 5 miles down. I hope I just don't get injured.
You've got plenty of time if you don't ship till August.Just bust your butt to make all the progress you can between now and then.It is one thing to train on your own, but once you get there you will feel the strain of the conditions under which you are being trained.
I wouldn't worry too muc about the motivation run.That is in the last week or two of boot and by then you should be flying through your 3 mile runs.Even though you leave in August, it will be much cooler by the time you near the end of boot camp (late-October?)