Boot camp program development

I am looking to start a boot camp in my area as a way to jump start my personal training business. I will be utilizing a local park for the location. I am looking for advice on developing the actual boot camp program for each day. Because this is an outdoor boot camp, and I am just getting started, I would like develop a program that is focused on body weight exercises. Daily program length would be either 30 min or 60 min (total). Thank you for any assistance and guidance.


Hey Jeff:)


What area are you in?

I run a very successful bootcamp in Toronto. I am now in the progress of franchising it as I cannot keep up with the demand. I'm sure that yours will do great as well:))

I run mine for an hour and use indoor and outdoor facilities:)

Good luck

Lyzabeth Lopez

I am located in Peoria, IL (2.5 hours southwest of Chicago). Would you be willing to share how you developed your program? Or, even a couple of example workouts? Thank you for any help you can give.