Sport Boosting Appetite

Sport Fitness
Any suggestions for boosting my appetite during the day, and especially in the morning?
I'm pretty active during the day, either running errands and such or doing weightlifting. Yet I find myself not being hungry, very much so during the morning. I have pretty average metabolism, I'd say.
some low intensity cardio always increase my apetite for the whole day. try doing 30 minutes on the exercise bike 4-5 times a week
Eating small meals every 3ish hours may be hard at the start but if you can get into a habit of doing it not only will you create sustained energy but you will find your body becomes naturally hungry in those 3 hour increments. I also agree with Stew, morning cardio is a great jump start.
I dont know about you but from personal experience I often go through phases of having a ravenous appetite then im just not hungry. But yeah what they said.