
Looking to for something on exercise and how the body reacts to it, I hope someone understood that...

Something fairly easy to get also.
New Rules of Lifting, may not be exactly what you mean, but its a great book.
2nd that.
I think that "new rules of lifting" will teach you more than any other book untill you get to books from courses.
Man, I feel like I'm going to have to get this book! Ever since I joined the forums here, everyone keeps reccomending it.

Must be good!
I'd recommend (along with the previous recommendation)-

Science and Practice of Strength Training (you can get at the library)

Check the Iron Mind website for their list of books and check the Human Kinetics website for texts that they have
i went ahead and got the new rules of lifting and Science and Practice of Strength Training, just 32$ for both including shipping. So not that bad.

Still I want one more of like cardio exercise related. Possibly some nutrition books as well. Anything I can learn from is fine with me, I think the 2 weight lifting books I ordered will be a good start in that aera or now though.
I'd recommend (along with the previous recommendation)-

Science and Practice of Strength Training (you can get at the library)

Check the Iron Mind website for their list of books and check the Human Kinetics website for texts that they have

Agreed. New Rules of Lifting is good, I am a fan of the routines, and it covers the basics. But if you are looking for more science based readings, Science and Practice of Strength Training is great. I also HIGHLY recommend Supertraining.

Another fantastic list of books is found at
Agreed. New Rules of Lifting is good, I am a fan of the routines, and it covers the basics. But if you are looking for more science based readings, Science and Practice of Strength Training is great. I also HIGHLY recommend Supertraining.

Another fantastic list of books is found at

Gawd...I should be shot for forgetting about Siff. Good recommendation.
Strength Training Anatomy.

Thats a staple in anyones workout library!