Boob Question


New member
Despite slacking for the last 5 weeks i've lost 28 pounds in the last few months.
My question is, right now my boobs are quite big and incredibly saggy. If i lose more weight and tone up, will they become perkier? Any excersise suggestions or Advice?
I can't have surgery because i'm too young :(
They should become more firm as you tone up. That is one of the purposes of toning.
It all depends on things like how big you were and how much weight that you lose in total.

People that lose a lot of weight can end up with quite a lot of loose skin in the boob area. This has happened to me - and will only get fixed by surgery.

If you have more average levels of weight to lose - then the answer as supplied above is probably appropriate.
I don't have anything to add to this conversation. I just saw the word "BOOB" in the thread title and, being a man, I obviously clicked on it. Aaaaand, there you have it. G'day.
id rather have saggy ones from weight loss as apposed to them TOTALLY DISAPPEARING !!!!!!!!

wtf wtf wtf!!!!:cuss:
