Bomb Threat!

Wow there was a bomb threat in my school today. Halfway through 6th period the principle comes on the intercom and tells everybody to get outside. Thought it was a firdrill or something at first, but then she said for everyone to turn off their cellphones, so knew it was a bomb threat. We got dismissed early, which was great. Dont think a bomb actually went off, but ill know tomarro what reallly went down.
We used to get those every now and then. Of course, that was pre-9/11 (the 90's), so it was different. We just went and sat outside for 15 min or so, then went back in ---and we didn't have cell phones to worry about turning off.LOL

It was pretty much just like a plain ol' fire drill.
We would have a few a month at my school. We got to the point to where we would just sit outside for 15min-1hour while the police checked inside real fast, and go back to class. I had to go to court my 10th grade year because some kid called one in, in my class. Dumb Kids.
We used to get those every now and then. Of course, that was pre-9/11 (the 90's), so it was different. We just went and sat outside for 15 min or so, then went back in ---and we didn't have cell phones to worry about turning off.LOL

It was pretty much just like a plain ol' fire drill.

Yeah same here. It use to happen all the time in primary school and we loved it because all it meant is that we missed 30, maybe 60 minutes of class.
Working in London I'm used to that kind of thing about once a month. Two of the people I work with got off an underground train minutes before a bomb went off on it (7/7)
Working in London I'm used to that kind of thing about once a month. Two of the people I work with got off an underground train minutes before a bomb went off on it (7/7)

Pretty wild. Do they get called in on buildings all the time? Or are you just talking about schools?
Pretty wild. Do they get called in on buildings all the time? Or are you just talking about schools?

I think so but you don't hear about many, my girlfriend works at Harrods and they get bomb threats almost daily but almost all are hoax's. I think there was a genuine one a couple of years ago and they found a decive under a table. They have codes that get sent out that only managers hear. Harrods is a great place to be if there is a bomb though, they have blast proof walls everywhere, all they need to do is vacate one area and close the blast doors. The general public have no idea about how much work goes into security there, they even have their own fire brigade
Wow, that's insane.

As some of you know, my dh works for an oil refinery owned by Shell Oil (which is Dutch). However, the plant he works at is a partnership consisting of Shell Oil and some Saudi company.

Well one day, prince whoever, from Saudi, came to the plant. The only problem was the main gate guards didn't know it. Soooo, when a big armoured van load of Middle Easterners shows up (with machine guns btw :eek: ) - the guards freaked out and wouldn't let them in. It got straightened out and they toured the plant, etc, but the Saudi guy was pissed! ---I think the guards got chewed out a bit but weren't in too much trouble since they were doing their jobs and no one told them he was coming.
Wow, that's insane.

As some of you know, my dh works for an oil refinery owned by Shell Oil (which is Dutch). However, the plant he works at is a partnership consisting of Shell Oil and some Saudi company.

Well one day, prince whoever, from Saudi, came to the plant. The only problem was the main gate guards didn't know it. Soooo, when a big armoured van load of Middle Easterners shows up (with machine guns btw :eek: ) - the guards freaked out and wouldn't let them in. It got straightened out and they toured the plant, etc, but the Saudi guy was pissed! ---I think the guards got chewed out a bit but weren't in too much trouble since they were doing their jobs and no one told them he was coming.

ha, i can just imagine that. i would have tweeked out too. well i got the low down today. it seems someone went into the bathroom and wrote "there is a bomb in a locker" nothing more nothing less. it was my schools first time dealing with this experiance so i don't really blame them for sending the whole school home from one sentence.
We have fire drills like 2 or 3 times a year. But we also have a cool drill that's for like school shootings...once a year our headmaster will come on and say "Will Brother Marsalis please come to the main office" because I guess he was a founder of our school way back when and that means there's a shooter in the school. So we all shut the lights off in our room, lock the door, and huddle in the corner. It's a drill so its pretty funny stuff that goes on in that corner at an all guys high school. o_O
ummm, if everyone in the school knows the "code", and a student comes to shoot up the school (which is usually the case), then why not just yell out "There's a shooter, everyone hide!!!!"?-- since the shooter will know what the code means anyway
Could be an outside school shooter. I think it happened a few months ago, that creapy dude that went into the high school...took the girls hostage.

But idk, in a more conspicus way? Not to freak everyone out? idk lol
Man this is nuts.

Does anyone else remember going to school when there weren't shootings every couple of months on the news? or is it just me.

We never even worried about the "bomb threats" we got. I don't think the authorities really did that much either - they knew it was some dumbass kid, but had to check it out. Now, they actually do have to assume it's real. crazy
Man this is nuts.

Does anyone else remember going to school when there weren't shootings every couple of months on the news? or is it just me.

We never even worried about the "bomb threats" we got. I don't think the authorities really did that much either - they knew it was some dumbass kid, but had to check it out. Now, they actually do have to assume it's real. crazy

Yeah it's amazing that so many changes can happen in a 5-10 year period.
Are you aware you just called a 14 yr old sir? :cool: