Boiling bag ready meals

So, summer vacation, parents are gone, its just me in the house :p Ive come to realize something. There is WAY too much potatoe in the ready made boiling bag meals up here.. and just not enough meat. I mean, come on, they should calculate the proportiones of these meals out of how the general public eats, i refuse to belive most people eat as much potatoes as these bastards wants me to eat per unit of meat, its a disgrace! I should just go back to frozen pizza, only that im still sick of that from last summer. Hell, this weekend im gonna do the impossible, im gonna boil some rice, fry some vegetables and a chicken! WHOS WITH ME?

I realize this is the wrong forum to post about my holiday eating habbits of pizza and boiling bag meals, so go ahead and flame my horrible diet :p atleast its food, i dont want to die.
Dude, why not learn to cook? lol.
i know how to cook :p i just kinda cant be bothered with it, it takes so long :p well, gotta start sometime, maybe ill try to make a coupple of real dinners :p
I boil omeletes in a bag all the time. I do a ton of cooking as all the males in my family have this addiction to cooking. Come to think of it, it takes me way more time to cook than it does to eat.

Now that I got a new handy dandy propane grill, I haven't been away from it.

p.s. If you'd quit post whoring you could go cook.

p.p.s. Please excuse me as I go grill salmon and buffalo burgers.
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I boil omeletes in a bag all the time. I do a ton of cooking as all the males in my family have this addiction to cooking. Come to think of it, it takes me way more time to cook than it does to eat.

Now that I got a new handy dandy propane grill, I haven't been away from it.

p.s. If you'd quit post whoring you could go cook.

p.p.s. Please excuse me as I go grill salmon and buffalo burgers.

Obviously he wants his 3000th post ;) I want my 1000th. Shame.

Karky, look at evo as your role model. Get in the kitchen. Make some good food. It's worth it.
lol :p im post whoring? i have probobly posted a bit more latley, but im just bored. You afraid im gonna get more posts than you? :p
know what? Tomorrow im gonna cook! For me and the girlfriend :D
Evo, you can come too ;)
lol :p im post whoring? i have probobly posted a bit more latley, but im just bored. You afraid im gonna get more posts than you? :p
know what? Tomorrow im gonna cook! For me and the girlfriend :D
Evo, you can come too ;)

The key to fair ladies heart. Cooking. You are a man Karky.
too bad she thinks the way to a mans heart is through his ribcage :p

and i guess aslong as it doesnt taste like ashes like the first time i tried to cook porridge i guess it will be ok :p
you buy a package, which has these plastic bags of potatoes, meat, sause, etc, all you need for a meal. You put them in boiling water for 10 min, cut the bags open and pour the stuff onto your plate, and eat.

OR you could cut a small hole in the bag, and heat it in the microwave, which only takes FOUR minnutes!
I'm with Evo. Get to grilling. There is nothing cooler than cooking over fire. And the best part? You have no pots and pans to clean.

Where are you from, norway? Do they BBQ and grill there much? I am under the impression that it is much more common here in the states.
people grill here all the time. Though, probobly more in the states because you got better wheather there, atleast in most states. where i live, its alot of rain, cold, snow, etc.. but once the sun comes alot of people like to whip up a BBQ. I love grilled meat myself, theres like a special grill taste too it, its wonderful.
dang, now i feel like grilling. Hell, ill go buy a steak when the weekend comes, maybe some corn"stick" (wtf is that called in english?) too
on the cob i think it is..