Body weight training AND weight training in the same program?

Hey everyone, another quick question from yours truly. My routine is simple:

Monday - chest/tris/shoulders
Tuesday - abs/biceps/back
Wednesday - legs
Thursday - chest/tris/shoulders
Friday - abs/biceps/back
Sat & Sun - Off

Now for those off days, I was wondering I could incorporate some body weight exercises to give my body a little extra kick. I was wondering if maybe on Saturday doing crunches and scissor kicks, Sunday doing pushups and pullups, would hinder my progress. This may sound crazy but I go insane on the weekends because I feel like I'm not making any gains because I'm not working out. So I was wondering if doing body weight exercises on my off days would be beneficial or detrimental to my progress.
BW exercises can fit fine into pretty much any program, as long as you make room for them. A lot of people think they can do BW in addition to everything else. BW exercises add to fatique and CNS fatique so you need to make room for them, if you don't already have room.
So I should mix them with my routine rather than give them separate days?

Yes, I think you should do that. Bodyweight exercises can be as demanding and even more demanding than similar exercises done with weights.
For example, 8 reps of pullups is much more difficult/exhausting than doing 8 reps of lat pulldowns with the appropriate weight.
I would do them on my days off (which would then lead to them not being my days off). Im not a ***** like the two losers who posted above me :D
Hey everyone, another quick question from yours truly. My routine is simple:

Monday - chest/tris/shoulders
Tuesday - abs/biceps/back
Wednesday - legs
Thursday - chest/tris/shoulders
Friday - abs/biceps/back
Sat & Sun - Off

Now for those off days, I was wondering I could incorporate some body weight exercises to give my body a little extra kick. I was wondering if maybe on Saturday doing crunches and scissor kicks, Sunday doing pushups and pullups, would hinder my progress.

Since you only do legs once a week and your other muscles groups twice a week, why not do some sort of legs workout on Saturday and just leave Sunday as a rest day.
his bodyweight is so low that BW exercises doesn't have any impact.. at all :D

That was a good one... PWNED! Let's see what Jesus has to say about this

Well if his sig is any indication (the lower part) then he has substantial bw to use. Plus the stabilization, coordination, and control of his own body would be superiorly beneficial.