How do you like the ketogenic diet? I've done that twice and had great results with my body composition, but my mood was really up and down.
Well, I'm still in the induction phase, but so far I like it pretty well.
I always prefer to eat natural foods, but when eating at a deficit I find it hard to take in the quantity of carbs and such necessary. And I really can't stand WO nutrition, it's too sickeningly sweet (or if I go with whole foods that quantity of any grain makes me want to throw up). I'm a pretty picky eater for a fat kid.
Having said that, most of what I like is - you guessed it - meat. And cheese. And coconut (unsweetened, which I've discovered makes a fantastic fiber supplement, and tastes amazingly good on keto because of the sweetness multiplier effect). So, I've gone from forcing myself to eat various things and relying on meal replacements to eating tasty whole foods only when I'm hungry. Overall I'd say that I'm not even noticing the absence of carbs. So much for a "restrictive diet". It's not restrictive to not eat what you don't like.
More like liberating.
As a result, my mood is excellent. Roughly the same as on a balanced (Zone-like) diet. But then again, it usually is. Being a boy is nice. (Why yes I did just rip on the ladies
). As far as energy levels being low and such, I'm fine. My first weight training session after coming back from my break I didn't seem to have as much gas, but my gains are still considerable and consistent. And results - I won't know until later tonight, but my inches still seem to be going down at a reasonable pace, despite my ridiculous ability to gain weight at nearly any caloric intake. I'm eating nearly 1000 more calories on keto and making what seems like roughly the same progress in terms of fat loss. I don't even know what's going on anymore.
So, yeah, I guess I could have just said good.
Thanks for askin'.