Sport Body Fat Percentage

Sport Fitness
Hello All, Im 20 years old about 6'1 185. Im happy with where my weight is but I want to lower my body fat percentage to make the muscles look more visible. My question is, is it possible to lose fat and keep my weight at or around 185? If so, what would be the best way to do this? Would eating a surplus of calories and only a little bit of fat, along with weight training lower my body fat percentage? Thanks for the help.
Eat clean (eat the right fats), pile on the protein and try lifting heavier weights.
Read the stickies. If you think eating fat is why you gain fat, you need to get a bit of education first.

Eat good whole foods, healthy fats, and lift heavy. You basically sound like you just want to do a body recomposition...which can be slow, but is a good way to maintain weight while shedding fat and gaining muscle.