Body Fat Fat Fat

You can get body fat calipers... and do it yourself...


You can get a scale that does it using your body's resistance...

let second option is just a rough estimate... and will fluctuate with your hydration level. For example... I range in the past few days from 190-188 and my body fat reading in that time from 18.5-21.5% That being said my morning weights and morning BF are hovering at 188 lbs & 20.5%
Unless you are skilled with will probably be a pretty far off reading.
The body fat impedance device that jsobo is speaking of is pretty crappy, but will give you an idea of where your bodyfat is.
trainerty said:
Unless you are skilled with will probably be a pretty far off reading.
The body fat impedance device that jsobo is speaking of is pretty crappy, but will give you an idea of where your bodyfat is.

I have one and generally agree.. BUT that being said.. it does a pretty good job of letting you know if you are loosing or just dropping watter... for example... lets say you completely hydrate... um.. lets say I completely hydrate... I might be 190... and 19% body fat... then overnight drop to 188 but I will be 21% body fat... very dried out I might be 187 and 22% but a few weeks ago I was 192 and going from 22-20% body fat... it might not be exact but it does a pretty good job of helping you differentiate between water loss and weight fat loss...

if you are using for a relative measure... (like from this month to last) it is ok... if you want a real measure of body fat... who knows how accurate it is... especially since it varies by hydration level
danny said:
How Can You Measure Body Fat At Home

Do a search on Yahoo on Body fat at home and you will get a rough estimate. Or buy a Body Fat Analyzer.