Body Cleansing program. Waste of money or really works?

Does a complete 7 day body cleansing program work. I want to cleanse my body of harmful toxins and such and start fresh lifting hard. This is the program I bought

Do you think this will work. I just started the program today. Will I feel healthier have more energy. I'm 21 years old btw maybe too young to need body cleansing? Anyway my new routine from here on out is to eat extremely clean. Exercise doing fbw 3 times a week and cardio 3 times a week and supplements will be 1 shake a day including optimum nutrition any whey protein ( I hate artificial sweeteners) a tablespoon of gnc creatine monohydrate 5 grams.

Thats it for supplements because the iodine in multivitamins gives me some facial acne that I don't want. My goal is to get rid of the flab and tighten up and be somewhat muscular. I weight 263 in january and currently weigh 199.

Hoping to get down to 185 and tighten up. Will this regiment work?
What'sup Tomahawk,

The "detox" kit you selected seems just fine. No, you are not too young to detox your body a bit. In fact, anyone who is looking to up their protein intake or has eaten some junk food in the past will find it very beneficial to clean out the tracts. You should feel better and you should be "moving your bowels" often. Drink plenty of water as well...and keep up with different colored fruit and vegatation.

Your regiment of 3x full body 3x cardio something I can not really comment on because I don't really know your level of fitness now. I also, don't know how many consistent years of training you have under your belt.

One thing I can recommend when you are training is to take care of your joints and soft/connective tissue (don't underestimate a good warmup (not just jogging on a treadmill))

By all means.....outline your workout as you go on the forum
I don't see anything special in that cleanser. Eat more veggies and take a fiber supplement, and your digestive tract gets cleansed...especially if you eat yogurt with live cultures.

Its your choice, but I don't see it necessary. simply eat right, drink lots of water...and the body will cleanse itself naturally.
Hey Trainerty
My fitness experience isn't too much. Besides playing sports with friends and baseball on a team I never really worked out until this past january. Still, I focused mostly on cardio to lose weight and never stuck to a good strength training regiment. I'm hoping to change that now with this new program. Thanks for the replys