So how many calories did all that shaking burn off? To find out, I consulted the Bodybugg ($399 for a 3-month membership and two private phone sessions, ), a 2.8 ounce machine that you wear on a band around your triceps. This amazing little device, which recently won rave reviews from Popular Science, calculates your calorie burn throughout the day by measuring stuff like the number of steps you take and your body temperature. Before bed, you upload the information from the Bugg to your PC (the gizmo isn't yet Mac compatible), log what you ate that day, and learn what your calorie deficit (or surplus) is. If you want to lose, say, a pound a week, you have to burn 500 calories more daily than you consume.
This gadget is so cool that you can easily become obsessed with it. (Here's a hint: If you start planning your outfits around it, you're in trouble.) Even the pros think the Bugg could have benefits. For a high-tech, type A person, it could be really useful, says Jennifer Warren, M.D., founder of the Physicians Healthy Weight Center in Hampton, New Hampshire.