Sport Bobo's diet

Sport Fitness
Aim (for 11 weeks starting in a week (hopefully)): To work on developing muscles in the top part of my body (i.e. arms, chest etc) and to get the six-pack I once had back.

19 years old
183 cm
78 kg
Bf = unknown

My current level of fitness stands in at 1.4 (Activle)
1.2 (Bed Ridden)
1.3 (Sedentary)
1.4 (Activle)
1.5 (VERY Avtive)

However as I am currently away from university studies for the next 3 months I am willing to do cardio work 5(some weeks even 6) times a week for 40-45 minutes and go to the gym 3 times a week to work out. I am in the process of creating a diet for myself (I have already listed foods for each group that I can eat), however I am stuck in a hole as I am not sure as to how many calories/protein/fats/carbohydrates I should be taking in to achieve my above goals every day. Should I be looking at gaining more weight, and turning it into muscle?

PS: I’ll be eating 6 meals a day.
I am in the process of creating my 7 day diet. For the past few days I have been reading about protein, carbohydrates and fats and i've identified a list of foods that I'm willing to eat for each of these groups. They are as following;
Recipe 1;
You'll need
2/3 cup oatmeal
2/3 cup unbleached flour
1/2 tsp allergy-free baking power
pinch salt
2 free range eggs
1 cup low-fat milk
1 tbs honey
1 cup pomegranate seeds
olive oil

Method: Combine with oatmeal, flour, baking powder and salt in a bowl. In a small jug, beat the eggs, milk and honey together. Make a well in the centre of the flour and pour in the egg mixture, beating as you go, until well combined and bubbles form. Set aside for 10 to 15 minutes.
Peel the pomegranate and remove the seeds. Beat the batter once more, then add the pomegranate seeds.
Coat a small omelette pan with olive oil, wipping off any excess. Pour a quatre of the batter and cook until bubbles form on the surface of the pancake - it takes between 3 and 5 minutes. Turn over and cook on the other side until golden. Serve with low-fat natural yoghurt and honey. Serves 4.

 Egg whites (easy to eat, high in protein)
 Non-fat cottage cheese contains casein protein (high in protein, ideal to use as the last meal of the day) (with rice crackers, sakata)
 Non-fat milk
 Poultry, boneless and skinless chicken breast
 Low-fat yogurt
 Lean-red meat
 Tuna in a sandwich
 Fried Salmon
 Peanuts (protein & carbs)
 Legume (cooked, dried or canned beans)
 Natural Peanut butter on bread
 Almonds

 Almonds
 Natural peanut butter
 Real cheese (not cottage cheese?)

Simple (should eat these after a work out; are quickly absorbed and cause a fast insulin response)
Found in
 Fruit
 Honey
 Fruit juices

Starchy Complex (slowly digested and do not cause a fast insulin spike)
 Brown rice
 Uncle Toby’s Oats
 Whole wheat, flax seed, rye bread (cost effective way to get your carbs, stay away from overly processed nutrionless white breads)
 Beans (cheap, healthy and easy way to get carbs back)
 Whole wheat pasta (it is amazing how many carbohydrates you are consuming when you have just one bowl).

Fibrous Complex
 Leafy such as Lettuce (perfect for salads or adding some fibrous carbs to a sandwich).
 Broccoli (high in soluble fiber and vitamin C)
I'm not too sure as to whether this diet that i've created is any good for my height (183cm), weight (78kg) and other characteristics i've written above. Please do critique my diet for Day 1.

Day 1
8:30am – 30g of Uncle Toby’s Oats (480 kj, 3.8g protein & 17g carbohydrate and 0.5 saturated fat) with non-fat milk with some honey on it. 1 boiled egg.
9:15am – 45 minute run (after workout 1 banana and half a cup of orange or banana/mango juice)
11:15am – Canned beans (how much of canned beans should I take for this meal?)
1:45pm – Low-fat yogurt (protein). Have some broccoli.
4:30pm – A lettuce/tomato/onion sandwich on wheat bread and eat some almonds
7:00pm - Natural peanut butter on whole wheat bread (2 slices)
9:30pm – Non-fat cottage cheese with rice crackers/sakata

This is my diet for a day that involves 0 gym work. Is this diet any good? Too much/not enough protein/carbs/fats? Hopefully ill add in some salmon, tuna, red lean meat etc in Day 2 that involves some gym work.

Thanks a lot for your time in reading this post.
I'll put the ball up, someone else can dunk it.

Thanks for the detailed descriptions, but you dont mention calories at all. Do you know how many calories you are taking in / vs / how many calories you need to lose weight?

Do you know what is? Check it out, you can put your entire day in and have the breakdown. As well as the percent of protein/carbs/fat. You can use that to tweak it yourself, most people shoot for 40% protein/40% carbs/20% fat I try to stay close to that.

I'm not sure if I understand your goals, Do you want to build muscle and lose fat? One at a time. Either Bulk then cut, or Cut then bulk. If you just want the definition to show in your arms/abs you want to lose fat, I would suggest cutting. And if you would like better results, IMO, cut out the bread and rice crackers.

You look like you are pretty clean on your diet, I will give you that. Too Me, it looks like you are too low on protein, and I dont know if protein yogurt is a "complete" form of protein. For each of your meals you should have a source of protein (a complete protein containing all essential amino acids, if not add other foods to make it complete) and a veggie.

And if you really want to get down too it, Canned beans are high in sodium, buy the bags, they are a much better choice, as for your question on the serving, it really depends on your calories limits for that meal. Like I said, find your total daily calorie value and divide it by the number of meals.